Nightmares Noctis & Little! Sister! Reader

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Note: Sooo this is kind of tragic with the Canon ending but ya know...fanfic saves the day so in this alternative universe Noctis survives cuz that's the way how it should've ended.

Just some cute brother-sister fluff.


You jolted awake out of your terrifying nightmare. You sat up and looked around your spacious room. There was no sign of monsters, but in your young-troubled mind everything seemed to be a monster.

You grabbed your stuffed carbuncle and cradled it close to your chest. You peeled back the blankets before cautiously sliding down off the bed. Your little feet dangled a couple feet off the floor before you dropped onto the plush rug.

You instinctively moved farther away from your bed knowing the long armed monster under there could get you. More tears came to your eyes at the thought and you rushed over to the door.

In such a spacious room your bare footsteps seemed to echo and the door stretched on forever. You finally made it though and reached up onto the tips of your toes to grab the knob. You struggled to twist it but you heard a click and the door slid open for you.

You quitely closed it behind you before continuing.

You knew exactly where to go through the labrynith of the citadel. You knew where to hide if you saw a guard and which halls were crowded with them.

You arrived at the door you wanted. You once again had to reach up onto your tippy toes to touch the door knob.

"And what do you think you're doing?"

You squeaked and turned around to see it was Gladio; or Gladdy as you called him since you couldn't pronounce his name.

"Nuthin'." You muttered cutely.

He arched a thick eyebrow, struggling to hold back a smirk.

"Why were you about to go into the Prince's room for?" He questioned further.

"I dunno." You shrugged, avoiding eye contact.

"C'mon princess, let's get you back to bed now." He sighed.

"No~!" Your phone turned into soft wailing as you started crying.

"(Name)? What's wrong?" He questioned, squatting down.

"I don't wanna go back to bed. I'm scared." You cried.

Gladio sighed remembering how Iris used to be the same way too. Whenever he would attempt to send her back to bed she would wail and cry and he'd always break and let her sleep with him for the night.

With you, it was no different.

"Alright, alright," He cracked.

Your wailing ceased and he sighed, grunting softly.

"You are such a pain in the ass, you know that right?"

You nodded softly, hiding behind your carbuncle. He ruffled your hair before opening the door for you allowing you step through before closing it.

The room was dark due to the curtains covering the windows and a few dirty clothes were scattered around the floor awaiting to be picked up by Ignis.

You hurried across the gigantic space until you arrived to the large bed. You grabbed onto the blankets and tugged on them a little.

"Noc?" You called.

The occupant groaned before sitting up onto their elbows.

"(Name)?" Noctis groaned sleepily.

You started sniffling and he instinctively became alert as his big brother mode kicked in.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

He leaned down and picked you up under your arms pulling you up onto the bed. He placed you in his lap cradling you close to him.

"What's wrong?" Noctis asked.

"I had a nightmare." You muttered.

"A nightmare? What about?" He asked.

"You. You had left me, dad, everyone had left me! I was so alone and scared!" You whimpered.

"(Name), I promise you I will never leave you. Even though you can be a major pain in the butt, you're my baby sister and I love you with all my heart. Got it?" You hummed nodding.

"I'm guessing your sleeping here for the night?"

You nodded softly.

Noctis sighed and rolled onto his pulling you with him. You smiled and crawled under the covers snuggling up next to him.

Noctis wrapped an arm around you smiling down at you. You were only five years old, small, little, and adorable. He was not excited for when you were going to be older, but right now, he was going to enjoy you being little and him being big brother.

He kissed your head before closing his eyes and starting to drift off back to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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