Cute! Chocbobros & Baby!Reader

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Noctis sighed as he walked down the road with Prompto carrying several grocery bags of produce for Ignis. The royal advisor had sent the two out to at least be some what productive other than sleeping and just being annoying.

"I'd rather be sleeping right now." Noctis yawned rotating his aching shoulder from a past battle.

"Yeah. Couldn't Ignis have given us something better to do? I mean I guess it's better than just sitting bored." Prompto shrugged, optimistic as always.

"I wasn't bored. I was actually having a pretty good dream." Noct said looking up dreamly at the gray skies remembering the flutter of skirts.

"Oh dude it looks like it's about to rain. We gotta hurry soon." Prompto said.

Noctis noticed the sky as well and agreed with the blonde. They hurried down the street faster until Prompto stopped hearing something. Noctis did too.

"You hear that?" The Prince asked.

His friend nodded sternly hearing an unmistakable loud cry of an infant. Prompto placed his groceries down trusting that no one would grab them before heading down.

Noctis placed his bags down beside his and hurried after his friend who was deep into the alley way. Noct shivered feeling how the temperature dropped rapidly into the shadow of the two buildings.

Winds picked up and blew down the narrow path making both boys bone's shiver. Finally the crying was right at their feet but the two couldn't spot any crying infant or indications of one.

"Was it just a prank?" Prompto muttered.

The crying seemed go get louder hearing Prompto's words making both wince. The raven haired boy pin-pointed the sound to be coming from a large cluster of boxes.

He opened the first one on top and saw it was just broken china pieces. Prompto recognized what the prince was doing and helped opening a second one; empty.

They carefully opened a box and then looked inside for a baby or a device playing the crying but they couldn't find anything after seven boxes.

At the very last one they indeed found a baby that looked about a month old laying there in only a soiled diaper their skin a bright red from the cold.

Noctis reached in and picked the baby up gently hushing it. The poor thing was frighteningly cold, Noct thought he was holding an ice statute.

He took off his jacket with one hand and wrapped the baby in it hoping it would help warm it a little.

Noct looked to Prompto who was in slight shock, surprised that someone could be as heartless as leaving a baby to die.

Of course he had heard of it before but he never had seen it with his own eyes. After a minute Noctis gave up on trying to shush the babe and just decided to get it more warmth.

"C'mon Prompt. We gotta go to Gladio and Ignis now." Noct said sternly.

The blonde nodded and gathered all the groceries carrying them by himself as they rushed to not only out beat the rain, but the death of a tiny human.

"What's taking Prompto and Noct so long? Don't they see the weather outside?" Gladio said scratching at his stubble as he stared at the empty street outside.

"I don't know, but one thing I do know is that they have my groceries and I cannot complete my recipe without them." Ignis said, impatiently pacing with his chin pinched between two gloved fingers.

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