First Steps Chocobros & Baby! Reader Part 2

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Note: This is a continuation of the Chocobro's & Baby! Reader story. I love the prompts I can come up with with this story so it's awesome! Also NOT looking forward to heading back to school on Tuesday  -__- !

"(Name)?! (Name) where'd ya go?!" Cindy called.

She had been looking for you for several minutes now, but you, ever the bugger were hiding from her. It had been a couple months since the woman had been babysitting you well the boys were on their adventure.

Once every week they'd come to see you and dote and pinch your chubby cheeks until they had to leave. As of lately you were in peak of crawling which now made the poor woman's job a lot harder. She'd set you down and turn her back for a split second and the next your gone. 

The blonde was thankful every door leading to the dangerous part of the garage was closed and locked so at least she knew you wouldn't be ran over or something that seriously bad. 

"Cindy." The blonde turned around and sighed in relief noticing Paw Paw was holding you. 

"Cin." You cooed. 

"There's the little devil." Cindy said walking towards her grandfather. 

"I found her hiding in my desk." The old man explained. 

She took you from him and rubbed noses with you making you giggle, "You scared me you little brat. I know you like to crawl but next time don't try to hide from me 'kay?" 

"Ya know when I found her she was leaning against my desk like she was practicing walking. She's just about getting into the age where they can walk." Cid said with an old grin. 

"Oh really?" Cindy awed before looking own at you, "Maybe we can show your daddy and uncle how to walk when they come visit." 

You let out a sound like you were agreeing. 

"Alright let's start practicing now." 

The blonde woman lead you to the living room and set you down on the floor. Before you could crawl away she held your hands and lifted you up until you were standing. Your chubby little legs wiggled but you didn't fall. 

You finally found your footing. 

"Good girl. Can you walk now?" CIndy asked. 

 You took one awkward step forward falling slightly but you were able to pick yourself up. 

"Atta girl." The woman encouraged. 

You took a couple more awkward steps until Cindy felt your grip loosen from her hands. 

"Alright I'll let you go now." 

She did and you stood there for a minute which was an achivement as is. When you took a step forward however, you fell and landed on your rear. You looked up at her with sad eyes and Cindy smiled, "It's okay doll, your just praticing. We got a few more days until the uncles come home kay?" 

You cooed and she picked you up stand once again. 

"Lets try this some more." 

For three days you have been practicing walking and standing with Cindy. Her encouragement helped you to try again and again no matter how many times you fell down. One time you fell on your face though so you weren't too happy about that. 

Now in just a few hour's to spare Cindy was trying to get you to walk as a surprise for the 'bros. Every night she sent videos and pictures of you to them, but she never told or even hinted at you walking. 

At the moment you were able to fluently stand up from sitting and stand on your own but the walking part was harder than you anticipated. You were able to only step once or twice before you'd fall down. 

"Alright. Come to me (Name)." Cindy called a short walking distance away. 

She was kneeling on the floor patting her lap and beckoning you to come. You placed your hand on the floor to push off of and moved your legs until you were standing up. 

"Atta girl! Now come on over to Aunt Cindy." The woman said stretching out her arms. 

"Cindy, they're here!" Cid shouted from his office. 

"Aw well, we can surprise them later sweet pea." Cindy sighed booping your nose. 

She scooped you up and headed outside with you. 

'Hey ya'll! Cindy called when she was close enough. 

You started to squirm and she set you down. 

To not only her, but the Chocobro's surprise you put your legs out so you were standing. 

"Daddy!" You called taking a perfect step froward. 

Then another. 

Then another. 

Until you were running to them. 

Noctis knelt down and picked you up grinning from ear to ear. 

"I can't believe she just ran to me!" Noctis said his eyes wide. 

 The others nodded in agreement. 

"Well, I'm shocked too. I've been practicing with her but she could only get two steps in before she'd fall. I didn't expect her to run even." Cindy said in awe. 

"Your full of surprises aren't ya?" Prompto cooed poking your cheek. 

"M-Momma Iggy." You said pointing to Ignis. 

Ignis sighed well everyone laughed

"I didn't teach her that! I just taught her how to walk!"

Noctis smiled and looked down at you, your (eye color) eyes sparkling. 

"Daddy." You said poking his cheek. 

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