Part 1

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I was asleep in my bed, curled up against the wall.  I had about five blankets on and the heat cranked up all the way.  It felt like someone put my room up in flames, even thought it wasn't that cold out.  I still shivered in the dark room, with a hard time sleeping. I hate being in the dark because even with the heat up, it still was cold.  I heard the door open as Dad walked in and knocked on it.  "London, you up?" he said as he walked into the room.  I lied there, shaking from the low heat.  For some reason, someone turned the heat off in my room, as well as the rest of the house.  Or that I lived in a freezer and no one told me. I breathed under the blanket to try and heat myself up, which worked a little bit. Dad sat on my bed, as he placed his hand down on the blanket as he started to shake me gentally.  "London.  Time to wake up" he said in a mild tone, but loud enough for me to hear.  I woke up, shivering even more. My body shook a little bit as I shivered.  I turned around to look at him as I coughed.  "It's so cold" I told him as I got up.  Imedantly, he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer, trying to warm me up more.  "I'll remind Uncle Ruki to keep the heat on more" he said as he looked down at me. I slouched, knowing Uncle Ruki, it wouldn't even work.

"Had another hard night, I'm guessing?" he asked, placing his chin on my sholder.  I shvered as I spoke.  "I'm so cold" I said through a chattering jaw.  Dad huffed as he moved his hand up and down, trying to make the blanket warmer.  "I know.  Unkle Ruki is just being cheap right now" he said with a laugh.  I chuckled as I backed away from him.  I put the blanket down as I grabbed my sweatshirt and put it on, to keep the warmth up against me.  "Come on.  Breakfast is ready and warm" he said as he exited the room.  I got up from the bed, and followed him out, leaving my cold room for the day.  I stayed downstairs most of the time, sitting in front of the fireplace except for meals where I sat with the rest of the family.  I sat next to my dad, where I usually sat. A warm plate of eggs and toast was waiting for me, still warm.  I started to eat, letting the warmth of the food, take the chill away, which it did pretty quickly. It always felt good to be warm, seeing how I didn't get it that much, so I took as much as I could.

"Morning Kitten" Uncle Kou said as he sat on the other side of me. "Morning" I said, as I went back to my plate.  I don't know what was with Uncle Kou and cats, but ever since I was little, he always called me kitten.  It was like his little nickname for me and I didn't mind it. It was special to him, seeing how he was the only one that called me that.  No one else did, not even  dad.  We ate breakfast together, keeping peace within the five of us.  When Dad was done, he got up and took his plate in the kitchen, with me trailing behind. I ate fast, seeing that I woke up later than I should've. I washed my plate, feeling the warmth of the water, against my arms, which it warmed the rest of my body.  I always did little things like that to keep my temperature from getting too cold.  Uncle Ruki put his mug down and grabbed a clean towel to help me dry it off.  

Dad walked in as he cleared his voice.  "Ruki, we need to have a little chat later about this no heat thing" he said as he walked up to me.  He placed his mug down as he rubbed my arms, making me shake the plate in my hand.  "Dad, I'm going to drop this plate" I said as I put it down so I didn't.  Dad smiled as he stopped, and let me go back to helping.  "Sorry baby, just trying to warm you up" he said, as he walked to the other end of the kitchen.  Uncle Ruki turned to dad as he spoke.  "Yuma, should you take your daughter to the doctor and figure out why she's always cold? Your cooking the rest of us" he griepped.  Dad looked at Uncle Ruki in anger. "You know I did many of times.  I can't help that she's born like that" he said as he picked up his bag.  I didn't say a word, just let the conversation go over my head. They fought so many times that I had an easier time not letting it get to me.  Dad was right, I couldn't help it.  I thought Unkle Ruki knew that by now.

Uncle Ruki turne towards dad.  "Well, can you at least turn the heat down and make her bundle up, your cooking the rest of us out" he said, aggravated.  I stayed silent, lisening.  This is one of the problems that I had to go through daily, just listening to the fighting.  Dad and Uncle Ruki was always fighting now, and it was always about me. I sighed as I put the towel down and walked out of the room.  I heard dad flip out on Uncle Ruki and it was once again because of me. I walked upstairs as I shut the door and finished getting ready for the day.  I grabbed my things and went into the bathroom to finish up. Uncle Azusa came into the bathroom joining me.  I scooted over to give him room at the sink.  "Let me guess, their fighting again?" he asked, trying to make it a positive situation. I stayed silent as I went to what I was doing.  He waited patently until I finish to speak again. "Yeah" I said once I was done. I always sounded so down around the house, even when no one was fighting.

I went to walk out but he grabbed my wrist.  "Please stay with me" he said silently.  I huffed then sat on the side of the tub.  I pressed my back against the wall, trying not to watch him shave, he didn't seem to care.  I sighed as the thought of leaving came into my mind.  "Something bothering you?" he asked, as he looked my way. I could tell that he could sense it. I cleared my voice, hearing their argument in the background from downstairs.  "He hates me" I said, as I turned to look at the wall.  I heard shifting as everything went quiet.  Uncle Azusa huffed as he spoke.  "I don't think he hates you. I think he's just having a hard time with school right now."  At this point, Uncle Kou joined us.  I sat there in silence as the yelling slowed down and stopped then the door slammed.  I got up from my spot and went in my room, to find my bag.  Uncle Kou and Uncle Asusa both turned my way, watching me exit the room.

I started packing my things, getting ready for school as dad walked in.  "Sorry about that, baby" dad said, trying to make the situation seem better, but he wasn't.  It still hurt knowing that he always had a problem.  I huffed as I started flipping through my notebook.  I was reading past notes about what I was told about my mom. I sighed thinking if she was alive, I would be living with her more.  Dad looked at me in confusion.  "Is something bothering you?" he asked.  I closed my notebook, grabbed my backpack and started to walk out. "I'll meet you outside" I said as I walked out. I walked down the stairs and started to put my shoes on. I didn't want to be in the house at the moment.  Uncle Ruki walked down the hall as he turned to walk up the staircase.  He looked at me with a stern look then continued to walk up in silence.  I knew he was mad and I didn't want to make it any worse.  So I walked to sit on the portch, before we left.

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