Part 7

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I awoke to someone yelling downstairs. I was now completely warm enough to move through the room. I didn't know how long I was asleep, but I figured that I needed the rest. I opened my eyes as I looked around the room. I was completely alone and Dylan was not in here anymore. I lifted myself into a sitting position as I looked more around the room. The window was still closed, as well as the door. There was now a little heater turned on fully by the bed, making the room warmer than it was before. I didn't know who put it here, but I knew it was helping a bunch. I sat up as I heard a yell. "I want you all away from my cousin" Dylan's voice boomed from downstairs. He sounded like someone was making him angry. For a moment, I thought it was Uncle Ruki, but then I remembered, I wasn't home. I looked at the door in confusion. I wanted to go see what he was yelling at and why. I flipped over the blankets, grabbed my sweatshirt, and zipped it up like I always do. I walked to the door as the handle started moving. I studied it in fear as I backed up towards the wall, seeing it now completely open. Dylan came back in and shut the door, as he looked at me, both confused and angry. I didn't know what happened, but from the look in his eye, I knew it wasn't good.

"London, you get enough rest?" he said, in a calm voice. His eyes softened, as he calmed down enough to speak. I nodded as I looked out the door. "What was all that yelling about?" He sighed as he looked at the window and huffed. He watched the sun peaking through the window, making the rain droplets glow with brightness. "Sorry, I got in a fight with Reiji. He doesn't want to let you go home" he said with a sigh. Then he looked up in anger. "I don't care what he says. Uncle Yuma is probably freaking out, so I'm bringing you home" he said as he go serious more. His decision was made, I was going back home, even if he had to kill someone for it to happen. I didn't have to ask about that part, I could just see it in him. I studied his eyes, as he spoke. He sounded more and more like his dad every time he spoke like that. I sighed as I looked back up at him. "Didn't you and Uncle Ruki get in a fight?" I asked him, hoping that I didn't ask to much. Just like Uncle Ruki, Dylan had a temper and sometimes he couldn't control it. Dylan looked at me as he sighed. "Yeah, we did. So I don't live with him anymore" he said with a sadder tone in his voice. That tone made me confused. It didn't sound like he was happy about it. I spoke as I looked at him. "Do you want to go home?" I asked. He smiled as he nodded, then lost the smile quickly. "If only I could" he said, his voice getting sadder the more he spoke, which wasn't like him at all. I sighed as I thought. "Then why don't you go home? You can go with me so you have a reason to?" I said, trying to bring a smile to his face. He looked at me as he huffed.

"That's going to be a problem. I don't think my dad want's me home. But I can't go back to my mom either" he said in a depressing tone. Something happened to his mom. Even though I haven't met her, it sounded like something happened. Dylan looked at the floor as his eyes grew with sadness. "Dylan, did something happen to your mom?" I asked, hoping he would talk about it, even for a minute. He looked at me in sadness. "My mon just passed" he said, his eyes looked glossy as he spoke. By the sound of his voice, I thought he was going to break down and cry, but he didn't. He just kept his tone low. He looked at the floor as he calmed down a bit. I looked at him in shock, not knowing if he wanted a hug or not. I decided to keep space between us and he could tell me if he wanted a hug. I didn't want to force him, seeing how I didn't remember him and how he was.

I kept quiet as I looked out the window. He must've wanted silence at this point, so I was going to keep it silent. Dylan huffed as he looked at me. "Tell me London, how's everyone at home?" he asked, breaking the silence again. I sighed before I spoke. "Good. Dad still attends the garden everyday like he always does. Other than that, everyone is good" I said, not wanting to tell him about them fighting all the time. He had too much keeping him down, I didn't want to add to his list. He looked at me, trying to get me to look his way. "Is something wrong at home?" he asked, wanting to talk more about it. I nodded then huffed, not really wanted to talk about it. Dylan lied on the floor, trying to get me to look at him more. I could feel him just staring at me, which is what Uncle Ruki does when he wants my attention. "Can you tell me what's bothering you?" he asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. I looked up at the window, trying to think of how to tell him about Uncle Ruki. Finally I looked at him. "Dylan, does your dad hate me?" I asked, not knowing if he still wanted to talk about it.

Dylan looked at me still confused. "No. My dad always cared for you, your his only niece. Why would you say something like that?" I huffed as I felt like crying. I didn't know what his reaction was going to be, but he wanted to continue with the topic. I took a deep breath as I spoke. "Uncle Ruki and dad's been getting into fights and it's been mostly about me being cold all the time. He yells at dad, saying that we're making the house too warm. Then dad yells back" I said, thinking about last time they fought. It was silent again in the room. I looked at Dylan, seeing his eyes bulged out of his head. "So, he's been taking it out on you then?" he said aloud, but I think he was talking to himself mostly. I nodded, being very confused at the question. Dylan looked out the window as he huffed. "He changed like I thought." I squinted in confusion at him. "Sorry, you lost me." He looked at me as he cracked a smile. "Sorry. My dad was never like that. Wherever he took me somewhere, he would take you as well. He would always volunteer to babysit you, when your dad needed one. But it sounds like he changed into a person that I don't know."

I looked at him with sadness and shock. I didn't know why Uncle Ruki acted that way and he never told me. So this is the first time, I herd the reason of why he's been mean. I singed as I thought of going back home. I went to say something, but he beaten me too it. "I don't think my dad want's me home. So when we go, I'm dropping you of and leaving again, alright?" he said in a serious tone. I nodded, not knowing if I should talk him out of it. Why doesn't he want to go back? "Dylan, can you at least just come in when we get there?" I asked, trying to think of a way to unite him and Uncle Ruki. Maybe if they talked over a cup of tea or something, they would be close again. Dylan looked at me in confusion. "But dad probably doesn't want me home right now" he said, sounding a little aggravated. I looked at my hands, as I pulled up my knees. "I don't think that's it. I think he acts the way he does because of you leaving. It's like his way of dealing with it" I said, hoping that I wouldn't die after. Dylan looked at me as he smile. "Tell you what, when we get home. I'll pop in for a minute, to say hi to everyone. But if my dad doesn't want me home, I'm not staying. Sound good?" I nodded as I smiled. "Yes, thanks a bunch" I said as I lied back and kept myself bundled. He smiled and huffed. Finally he looked back at me. "Well, shall we get going then" he said as he got off the bed. I nodded as I unbundled myself and followed him, with one blanket still draped over me.

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