Part 5

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I sat in my room, head pressed to the window, watching dad attend the flowers.  He had a pile of dead weeds right next to him, keeping distant from the rest of the garden.  It was a nice night, the moon was rising and no clouds were in the sky to cover it.  Everything outside, was covered in the moon's glow.  The car had a reflection that was clearly visible, like someone took the time to paint it.  The breeze didn't come through the window, so the heat stayed isolated in the room.   I was warm now, finally comfortable for once.  The heat in my room was always higher than the rest of the house.  

I continued watching dad as I noticed something in the corner of my eye.  It was a black object, moving quickly over to the shed, where dad keeps some of his gardening tools.  The object looked like a human.  I didn't know what it was, but parts of me wanted to check it out.  I jumped off the sill as I walked out of my room and down the staircase in a hurry.  I put on my shoes and grabbed my coat, looking back outside.  The black gushed again, now closer to the house.  I couldn't see dad at all, seeing how he was on the other side of the house.  I zipped up my coat and started to open the door, when Uncle Kou came into my view.  "Where you going kitten?" he asked, more positive than anything.  I sat there for a few minutes to think.  I couldn't tell him, just in case it was Reiji again.  But I had to make an excuse. "I going to find the strawberry patch and see if it grew" I said finally.  When I was little, my dad and I planted fruit on the other side of the house.  It was something that I could do while he was attending his flowers.  Uncle Kou smiled as he rubbed my head.  "Oh, alright then. Watch out for thorns" he said as he walked away.  I sighed as I walked out the door finally.

It was getting colder out, the wind was picking up and clouds were covering the moon.  I heard dad pulling the weeds from the ground.  I stopped as I heard a whooshing sound coming from the side of the house. I slowly inched off the porch, trying not to get dad's attention.  He was too busy with the garden to look back. I slowly turned and headed for the side of the house. "Finally decided to come out London?" Dad asked, as he turned around and whipped his forehead.  I nodded as I smiled. "Yeah, I'm just going out in the back" I said in a positive tone, trying not to make it suspicious.  Dad nodded as he went back to work. "Ok, just be careful.  You don't know what's out there."  "Will do" I said as I ventured back to what I was originally going to do.  

I walked completely around the house, as I bumped into a tall man, standing right in front of me.  "Excuse me" I said, grabbing the man's attention. The man chuckled as he swung around, revealing who he was exactly.  It was Laito.  Laito smiled as he walked closer to me, as I backed up in fear.  "Oh, so glad you came out to join me" he said in a creepy tone in his voice. I backed up to the side of the house, thinking it was the corner, and I was heading to the front.  My back made a thud when it hit the shingle on the wall. "Da" I yelled but he pinned me up against the wall, and covered my mouth as he smiled.  "Shhh, he's so busy with his garden right now. Why do you need him anyway?" he asked, in another creepy tone.  I struggled to get out of his way, but he didn't budge.  He turned my head to face the side, brushing the hair away from my neck.

"I think you owe my family, little girl" he  said, as he bent down and started licking my neck.  My eyes bulged out as I tried to pull away, but failed. He smiled as he licked it for a second time.  I could feel the heat of his breath on my skin, as he chuckled again.  He lifted up off me with a big grin on his face.  "Oh sweetheart, your starting to freeze out here" he said as he started to unzip my coat.  Instantly, I felt a chill through my body.  I shivered, feeling like someone just dumped tons of ice onto me.  My body started to shake dramatically, freezing me head to toe.  He smiled at the sight of it.  I struggled to look up at him, as my body became stiff in the wind.   Laito looked over seeing the shadow of my dad stand up.  "London?" he yelled, as his shadow moved around. 

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