The Fight

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Draco POV
I woke up slowly opening my eyes. I looked down because I felt pressure on my chest, and I saw the most adorable thing in the world.
Harry was cuddled up to my chest, his hair messy but adorable. I smiled and kissed the top of his head. It was about 5 minutes before those beautiful emerald eyes fluttered open. He yawned then looked around.
He jumped up and started rambling apologies for crossing the barrier. I stood up and he cowered back like I was going to hit him, still rambling 'sorry's' and 'I didn't mean to's.' I walked up to him and hugged him.
"Its ok" I sighed.
I felt him physically relax as he buried his head in the crook of my neck.
"I really am sorry." He said muffled.
I started giggling.
"What? What's so funny?" He asked looking up at me.
That just made me laugh more. Tears were sliding down my face.
"T-that t-t-tickled w-when y-you t-talked!" I managed to get out.
He just looked at me then started giggling too.
We heard as somebody knocked on our door.
"You better not be naked!" I heard Ron shout.
Then I heard a small cry of pain as I guessed Hermione elbowed him.
"We're coming in!" Hermione said.
The door opened to reveal Hermione and Ron. Ron was glaring at Hermione holding his side. And Hermione was reading a book.
"I was reading about vee-" Hermione started.
"How'd you get the password?" Harry interrupted.
"Oh, Dean gave it to us." She said.
"But back to what I read about Veelas. Harry you have to be careful, and Draco you have to try your best not to get in trouble. My book says that veela who have just found their mate tend to be very over protective. Just one mean word toward their mate and the veela will attack. So be careful Draco, you too Harry."
"So if Draco gets told off by Umbridge I can attack her and not get in trouble because of laws of creatures and their mates?" Harry questioned.
"Yes, but knowing Umbridge you will." Hermione sighed.
"Darn it." Me and Ron muttered in unision.
We looked at each other and laughed.
"Anyways so don't fight and everyone will be ok." Hermione finished.
"Let's go to breakfast." Harry said as he grabbed my hand.
I blushed like crazy, my face burning up.
As we walked into the great hall, everyone grew quiet, and just stared at me and Harry.
"C'mon." He muttered.
We walked to the Gryffindor table, and I sat down.
But before Harry could sit down an all to familiar squeaky voice rang out across the hall, "Mister Potter, I believe that you are at the wrong table. You and your mate belong at the frea- I mean, half blood table." She squeaked, indicating a small table right in front of the teachers table.
"Did you just call Me and Draco freaks?" Harry questioned, deadly quiet.
Hermione and Ron paled a few shades. I caught Hermione's eyes and she glanced at Harry, cleary saying stop him before he kills her.
"Harry it's ok," I muttered.
"Shush Dray it's not ok!" He whispered.
I blushed bright red at the nickname, and Ron looked as if the situation wasn't so tense he would have laughed.
"I did. And I don't regret it. Anyone who is, or is in a relationship with a half breed creature is a freak." Umbridge squeaked.
Harry's breathing got heavier, his hands had a small trickle of blood on them from his nails digging into his palm, and his eyes narrowed.
"Kiss him!" Hermione hissed.
"What?" I stared at her.
"It'll calm him down! Kiss him!" She ushered.
Draco grabbed Harry by the shoulders, turned him around, and kissed him full on the lips. Harry immediately relaxed, his body no longer tense.
Umbridge waved her wand pushing Harry and Draco apart.
"Oww!" Draco cried his hand darting up to his chest.

3rd person POV
Harry could only see red. That female dog hurt his Draco.
His Draco!
"She's dead." Hermione whispered, fearfully looking at Harry.
Harry's wings shot out  as he raced toward Umbridge.
"Harry no!"
"Don't do it!"
"Under magical decree 97 any student who even attempts to harm the High Inquistor of Hogawarts shall be expelled." Umbridge squeaked.
Harry stopped right in front of Umbridge, grabbed her shirt collar, and flew in the the ceiling. A drop from this height would not kill her, but it would probably permenatley disable her.
"And under law of magical creatures with mates, any witch or wizard who harms the mate of a creature, said creature is not held responsible for the death or injury of said wizard or witch." Hermione yelled.
"Please no!" Umbridge squeakily pleaded realising what Harry was going to do.
Harry let go.
815 words of story total.
Sorry I hadn't been updating but I had 4 teeth pulled and I have been feeling not so well. But I'm back!
And cliffhanger! I know! I hate them but I'm a author, and it's what authors Do!
Hope you enjoyed!

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