1: Not The Ideal Situation

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Author's Note this has nothing to do with the fic and it's just a reminder for me to change it later.

You've managed to have yourself cornered by dracs, and your ammo is low. "Give us the info and you MIGHT come out alive." One says. "NEVER!!!!" You shout back. "Okay then." He says and aims the gun at your head. 

Just as you think you're actually going to die, you feel a pain in your leg and end up fainting. What the hell is this bullshit? You thought you were gonna finally die and then this hoe changes his mind???? You're fucking suing.

 But now, you're awake, not cornered by dracs. Your ammo might still be low, but they're not trying to get info from you. You look around and you're in some sort of diner, four guys surrounding you. You think you recognize one of them, but you're still soggy. Not from the chemo or anything, just from the fact that you recently got shot in the leg. 

"Don't stand so close, she's just waking up." A guy with hella frizzy hair says. Everyone takes a step back. "Where am I?" 

"Who are you?" One says.

"Who are YOU?" You ask.

"Listen we were minding our own business and then you ending up getting shot in the leg. We saved your life, so we'd LIKE some answers."

"Fine. I'm Y/k/n." You say, responding to the dick with the bright red hair."God, that name sounds so familiar." He mutters.

"I'm Jet Star, this is Kobra Kid, Fun Ghoul, and the sassy guy is Party Poison." At least now you know who everyone is. "I'll be off. I need to get something done. Try not to destroy the base." Poison says and walks out the door. 

"What's up with that guy?" You ask. 

"He's distant with people he doesn't really know." Jet Star answers.

"I feel like he hates me." You say, sulking.

"You'll get used to each other."

"Does that mean I'm staying?" 

"We don't really know yet." Kobra shrugs. "I mean you can't really walk around with that leg." He states, pointing to it.

"True. Thanks for letting me stay." You say to them. They all just smile and shit. Now, you're gonna try to recall where you know Poison. 

Keep Running: Party Poison X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now