You'd been here for a while. In that stupid base where you were kidnapped. Korea never did experiment on you. He tortured you, but you never cracked. Right now, you're tied up to the same, stupid chair.
"This would be easier if you would cooperate."
"I'm not here to make things easier." You're tired of all of this. Not a tired to make you feel sorry for yourself or anything, this tired is growing into a ball of rage.
"Tell me what you know." He says, holding a knife.
"I don't have to tell you anything!"
"You can escape all of this pain, y/n." He'd been calling you your real name just to mess with you. It doesn't effect you now.
"Not even a snarky remark, huh?" You don't have time for this. You need to get back. You need to let Poison know you're okay.
Just then, an alarm sounds.
"I'll be back. Don't move." Not like you can, since you're tied up.
You hear yelling and gunshots. Someone must've broken in.
'What an idiot.' You think to yourself. Why would someone break in? They must have a death wish.
Korse walks back into the room, holding someone with a gun to their head. You realize it's Party Poison. He came back for you.
"K/N!!" He says, trying to escape from the grasp.
"Tell me or I will kill him." You don't know what to do. You never thought he'd come back.
"Time's up." Korse says and shoots Poison dead.
You don't feel sadness. Your anger erupts. It was growing, but now, it's bigger than ever before. You clench your fists and break the cuffs. Your eyes are neon green, not the irises, the entire eyes. You float and feel something tearing through the flesh on your back. Korse looks up at you, then shouts.
"GET THE SYRINGE!!!!!" Some drags come in and hand him a syringe with green stuff in it. He injects it into his arm, and goes through a transformation. Except his wings are a disturbing, sickly, black color. Yours are white with a yellowish tint.
You summon some sort of green laser with your hands and shoot it through his chest. He slams into the wall and flies up, throwing one at you. Luckily, you avoid it.
You keep shooting these strange lasers and one hits your wing, causing you to shriek. He catches you off guard and shoots another green laser. It burns the bandage on your right arm off.
You look down at Poison's body and energy rushes through you. Your anger only grows and now, your eyes are a bright red. Brighter than Poison's hair. Korse is off guard by this and you take the chance to finally defeat him. You scream and summon the most powerful laser you can muster. The ball is bigger than the building. You throw it at Korse, causing him to fall to the ground.
You take a look at what remains of his body. When he hit the ground, ash scattered.
You fly over to Poison and kneel by him.
"Babe, please don't leave me like this. I'm so sorry I was too late. I should have answered. Now, you're gone. I'm so sorry." You cry, eyes turning a light blue.
You kiss him and cry. You cry and then feel a hand hold yours.
"K/n, why are you crying?"
"Yeah. Wait, wHY DO YOU HAVE WINGS??????"
"No idea. How much do you remember?"
"I remember seeing you and then I blacked out."
"Korse shot you."
"Where is he??"
"I killed him. We were fighting with lasers we summoned. They were green. Then I saw your dead body and summoned a red laser. It killed him."
"Holy shit."
"Where's everyone else?" You ask.
"I actually don't know. They were supposed to cause a distraction."
"Here lets go find them." You say, signaling Poison to hop on your back. He does so and you fly over to the front of the building where you see a lot of people. But no one's shooting.
You fly down.
"And that's what you just saw." A lady with black hair explains. You see everyone. And then a familiar face.
"ICE RUNNER!!!!" You say, tackling the blue haired boy.
"K/n, you have wings!!!!"
"Yeah I don't know either."
"Well, we do now. I'll explain when we get back to the diner." Kobra Kid says.
The group gets in the car while you fly with Poison.
"The wind is great." He says, letting it flow through his hair.
"It is. Now hold on tight." You say and put on your goggles.
"Just. Hold. On." You say and fly really fast. Ending up getting to the diner before everyone else.
"Oh my god." Poison says, surprised.
You grab his face and pull it into a kiss. He's surprised but kisses back.
Things get heated and you take off your jacket and he takes off his. And as you two are about to reveal more, the entire group walks in on you two undressing.
"Gross!!!! Get a room!!!!!!" Ghoul yells.
"Gerard, you better use protection!!!! I don't want a tiny version of you running around!!!!!!" Kobra kid says.
"Gerard, huh?" You ask.
"The name suits you."
"Y/n, put a shirt back on!!!! You're the only female here and now's not the time for a gang bang." Ice Runner says.
"Ew." You say and put your tank top back on, followed by your jacket.
"Anyway, wanna know why y/n has wings?" Kobra Kid asks.
"Yeah." Everyone says.
"Turns out the experiments were with fucking angel blood. And the stronger the emotion, the stronger the power. Doesn't matter what emotion. What matters is how much there is. Eyes change color based off of what emotion but that's it. Apparently angel blood is also very picky. K/n got angelic wings because she has a good soul. Korse got more hellish wings because that's how his soul is. Though, most people who are injected with angel blood end up dying since their body can't handle it. But it seems like k/n can."
"So, I'm part angel."
"Basically." He replies. Everyone is in shock then Gerard speaks up.
"I can't believe I'm dating an actual angel."
"Who said I was dating you?" You ask.
"We were literally gonna fuck."
"Okay good point. Anyway, Gerard's mine guys."
"Don't make out every second." Ghoul says.
You kiss Gerard just to spite him.
"Guys that's enough!!!! We killed Korse but, not everything is perfect now. The people who took the pills are gonna feel a drastic change. There's still a lot to do." Jetstar states.
"What even can we do?" You ponder.
"I have no idea to be honest." Gerard mutters. Then, he perks up.
"What?" Ice asks.
"Guys we can start a band and shit!!!"
"That sounds like a good idea."
"I know drums." You say, remembering what you did in your free time.
"Perfect!! We can go around spreading music and shit!!"
"Okay but I'll need to know everyone's real names." You state.
"I'm Ray, that's Mikey, Frank, and you know Gerard."
"I'm y/n. That's Ash."
"Okay so, what will Ash even do?" Mikey asks.
"I can manage shit. I've always been good at organization." He says, shrugging.
"I can play bass."
"I'll do rhythm guitar."
"I'll do lead guitar."
"I'll sing."
"Okay now we have a band. What will the fucking name be?" Ash asks.
"My Chemical Romance." The four killjoys state.
"I love it."
"This is gonna be amazing. I can't wait to tour around!!" You yell.
"This is going to be great. Music is just the best thing ever." Gerard says, hugging you.
"Yea-" Just then, an explosion hits.
You black out.
When you wake up, you can't find Gerard, or anyone else. You're pretty sure you're dead.Hey guys sorry for the unexpected ending. I'm thinking about making another book that's a sequel to this one. Should I? I don't know what to write on this one anymore. Help me figure out what it should be.

Keep Running: Party Poison X Reader
أدب الهواةI suddenly got inspired to write another story. You are Y/n, also known as Y/k/n (Your Killjoy Name). You're wanted and on the run and in a moment of desperation, you end up with the Fabulous Killjoys. Usually you're nicer to your allies, but their...