Before this started, you were a fairly normal girl. Then your friend died and your killjoy brother never came home after a mission. A Killjoy camp took you in and you made a few friends. Some dracs invaded your camp and you got out alive with a few others. Some left, finding out that their families were out there somewhere, others died. Eventually, it was just you and a few other people. Then, you found that your brother could still be alive, so you departed with the people you were so close to. They wished you good luck, and you did the same, knowing that they'd be okay. You met some more killjoys along the way and helped them out with their journeys, with them helping you. You found some information that was very useful and could help people. A drac found out and you were wanted. To stay off of the grid, you dyed your hair a lot of colors, then went back to your original when it was safer. Then you were on the run again, and dyed your hair a shitty looking green, knowing that you would NEVER wear that shade again. It just never went with your skin. Then, you met a guy with black hair. You two were pretty close, but then you had a huge falling out. In the fight, you cut him with a knife, and kept running. You hope he's okay. You were off the grid for a while, and managed to find Andrew, your brother. He told you some more key information and ended up dying. Lol my parents just yelled at me. Hello anxiety :) You were heart broken, but you carried on, knowing that this was a huge weapon against the enemy. Then, you got cornered by the dracs, ended up getting shot. And now you're here with three guys who seem nice, and one dick who seems familiar.
"Are you just gonna sit there? Or are you gonna answer me?" Poison says.
"I um, I zoned out what were you saying?"
"You need to eat. Have some of this." He hands you the power pup. You take a bite and gag. "Delicious." You say, sarcastically, but thankful that you're getting some food as you are really hungry.
Party Poison's POV
You know this girl from somewhere. You're sure of it. You know that she's brining back some bad memories. She's giving of these vibes, but you can't just leave her to die. Just because someone is giving you bad vibes, doesn't mean you're gonna leave them on their own. You feel bad for shooting her in the leg, but she actually would have died if you hadn't. "Delicious." She says sarcastically."
"You're welcome."
"Seriously, thanks Poison. I got really hurt back there and despite seeming to hate my guts, you still took me in and helped." You feel some guilt from y/k/n saying that she got hurt back there, as it was actually your fault. But, you're surprised at her sensing the feeling.
"What do you mean by 'hate my guts'?" You ask.
"You've been pretty cold to me ever since I got here. But, there's something else, too. I can't seem to shake the feeling that there's something more."
"Something more?"
"Yeah. It feels like I know you from somewhere, but my brain won't tell me where. Maybe it's just a weird mind trick, I have no idea."
"Feels the same, too."
"So, are you gonna stop being cold to me?"
"I still don't know if I can trust you. For all I know, you could be a drac undercover." You say truthfully.
"So, you're saying that despite us having some strange connection, I could be someone you don't know at all."
"You can't just trust everything on fate, or destiny, or whatever the fuck."
"God, I can tell that you're gonna be so annoying."
"Same with you. Just make sure to get your strengths up. The sooner you're out of here, the better." You say with a weird feeling. You can't trust her. You just know it.

Keep Running: Party Poison X Reader
FanfictionI suddenly got inspired to write another story. You are Y/n, also known as Y/k/n (Your Killjoy Name). You're wanted and on the run and in a moment of desperation, you end up with the Fabulous Killjoys. Usually you're nicer to your allies, but their...