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You heard a knock at the door, distracting you from your music. You sighed and took out your earbuds.

"Come in!" You yelled.

And he did. His name was Dr.Haruka Nanase.
Everyone else called him Nanase, as that's what he preferred all of the crazies to call him.

Except you. You called him Haruka, which he hated because of how feminine his name sounded.

Haruka walked in and you smiled. "What is so important that I couldn't get at least five more minutes of sleep, Haruka?"

Haruka frowned. "If you refuse to call me Dr.Nanase, can you at least have the decency to call me Haru?"

"Haruka-chan!" You teased.

Xx_Your P.O.V._xX

He sighed. "You know, (Y/n), next time you lie that you were sleeping, hide the evidence..." He's pointed to my phone, which displayed my music (Crybaby) still playing with my earbuds in.

I hated that.

"... And please remember that I am fully aware of your severe insomnia." He finished.

I sighed. "Nothing gets past you, lady." I grinned wickedly.

He looked upset. "You should respect a man's masculinity, (Y/n). How would you feel if someone called you a boy?"

"I would say: '(What you would say)'!"

"That's... nice." He lied. "Well, pack your stuff. You've been adopted."

Wow, so blunt.

"No chance." I said. "I'm horribly insane. No one in their right minds would adopt me."

"Well, that may be true for normal people... but you've been adopted by a member of the CCG. Who knows what they want a psycho girl for?"

"I'm not going. I refuse to be someone's toy. I'm my own person!" A tear rolled down my cheek. There was no way I would go back to a life of rules. Not after all I've been through.

"Too bad you have no choice. Now, hurry up. My boyfriend is waiting for me at swim practice."

I smiled. How sweet. "Oh, fine! But only because you and Tachibana-kun are so cute together! I'll do it for you, Haruka!"

He sighed and smiled softly. "You know, I'm actually going to miss you."

I looked at him. "You will. I'm awesome."

He chuckled and looked down at me, taking my hands in his. "Listen to me, (Y/n). You're about to go through a lot. Remember, if you ever feel upset, that someone will be there. Go to them before you try to fight the problem on your own. And one day, when you feel like you've matured as a person, come back here with that one person and share with me your stories."

I laughed a little. "Silly! I've never met a problem I couldn't kill on my own!"

"You will. And someone will help you, I promise. Never lose hope. You're too tough. But don't forget that letting someone see you cry is not, and never will be, a show of weakness. That's called trust."

I was, at this point, very confused. "Okay." I said, not wanting to argue.
He walked me to the front of the building, where a man came out of his car to look at me. "Yes, this is definitely the girl I saw on the papers. Can she fight?"

Haruka answered before I could: "She can... but she's rather reckless."

The man sighed and smiled. "Yeah, sounds like someone I know. Well, that means (Y/n) here can have a friend."

I frowned. "I despise humans."
He looked shaken. "Are you a ghoul?!"

"No." I said. "Just an anti-social otaku who would rather sit around on my bed reading Ereri fanfiction on Wattpad than talk with real people who are not anime characters."

He looked at my bag. "So, I'm guessing you got a laptop then?"

I shifted my bag behind my leg. "Yeah. I just use it for games and stuff though. I use Wattpad through my phone."

"That's nice. But I'm going to need your Wattpad to make sure you don't spread any top secret information."

I giggled. "Yes, because everyone knows that the yaoi fans who follow me are always looking on my page for information about the CCG. My username is (Your Wattpad username)."

He suppressed a chuckle. "Come into the car. Let's go to your new home."

I nodded, tired from the significant lack of Phanfiction I've been reading over the past few days.

We got in the car and sat down. He handed me a paper with a picture of him on it.
His identification.

"Thank you... Shinohara-san." I said, reading the name. After I finished reading his entire profile (which was surprisingly interesting), he gave me another paper. This time, with a picture of a strange person on it.

I giggled at the cute, funny picture. I read the name, Juuzou Suzuya.

When the car ride was over, I had already read Juuzou's profile about 4 times. I loved his story.

I'm gonna tell it to my victims one day.

I ran up to Shinohara-san before we walked into the building. "Two questions. One, why did you give me this guy's profile? Two, why isn't his gender written on it?" I flushed red.

"O-Oh no... Don't tell me they're ambiguous! I'm so sorry for assuming they were a boy!" I said, feeling like crying. I wasn't one to cry a lot, really. I was just having a bad day and I hated people who just assumed someone's gender when they were clearly ambiguous.

Shinohara-san chuckled. "Answer to question one: Juuzou is your new partner in the CCG. Answer to question two: The guy who writes these profiles clearly doesn't respect Juuzou very much... but you were correct to assume he was male."

I sighed in relief. "Does that mean that Juuzou got my profile?"

"Someone should be giving it to him soon. By the time you get to you and Juuzou's room, he should be about halfway through reading it."

"I wonder if he'll be frightened by my backstory..." I wondered out loud by accident.

Shinohara-san smiled at me. "No, he'll probably enjoy reading it."

I internally smirked at the thought. Juuzou looked really funny and cool in the picture. Maybe he's cool in real life, too. No that I'm looking for friends, I'm just not looking for enemies.

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