09 | kisses over conversation

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"my father is the most heinous creature known to mankind

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"my father is the most heinous creature known to mankind." noora took an angry gulp from a can of heinken.

"your poor mother. how totally embarrassing."

"oh, mum can handle herself," he said, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "she had plenty of practice at that kind of thing."

"that's not the point. it's just you know, in front of mum, in front of me, in front of james - it's... it's psychotic," she shuddered. "you know, as if your mum would be interested in him. when she's so pretty and she's got james and everything. but he's so fucking vain that he really thinks he's in with a chance. you know. as if he really switches on the charm, she's just going to fall swooning into his arms... aargh!" she cried out in frustration, letting herself flop backward against the grass.

they'd wandered away from town, out towards the country lanes and found themselves in a small moonlight-dappled field. william glanced down at the prostrate and angry noora, and smiled.

"do you know what i like best about you?" he said.

"no," she said grumpily. "what?"


she let out a loud snort of laughter.

"do you know what i like best about you?" she said,

"no. tell me."

"this," she said. and she grabbed him by the shoulders, pulled him down on top her and stuck her tongue in his mouth.

william's head began to swim.

their kisses were becoming more and more passionate, and noora's hands had started roaming wildly around his body, pulling at the fabric of his t-shirt. it dawned on him eventually that she was actually trying to pull his t-shirt off, so he adjusted his pose while she yanked it roughly over his shoulder blades and flung it to one side.

noora's sudden and unprompted passion was so overwhelming that it left william in the strange position of feeling pleasantly disengaged from the proceedings, as if he were sitting in the branches of a tree overhead, watching, munching on an apple, maybe.

objectives, he thought, as her thigh passed over his shaft, i need objectives here. he concentrated on the rhythm of his tongue in her mouth for a while, trying to build up a twirled swirly massaging motion. and then he decided. breasts. breasts would be his next objective. he tugged at the buttons on her shirt, feeling the little pearly discs slipping around underneath his fingertips.

fuck, the buttons, he thought, fuck them. he concentrated on getting the loose fitting shirt off over her head. he'd worry about the bra once that had been accomplished. but he didn't need to worry about the bra because, the moment the shirt was off, noora's hand crept round her back and unclasped it, and now it was slithering around between them, untethered, like something alien and nonsensical. he pulled at it and it fell to one side, and now here they were, a man and a woman, topless. together. they embraced again, and william felt his bare flesh against her bare breasts, and at that point he lost all objectivity and went completely fucking mental as all the blood that wasn't supporting his astonishing hard-on rushed to his head.

noora whimpered, and gasped into his ear as they rubbed against each other, but then she took his hand from her breast and he thought, here we go, we're slowing it down now, too fast, too fast, back off, but even as he was thinking it she was leading his hand elsewhere, down below her waist, towards the loose waistband of her jeans, slowly past her soft abdomen, and then, like an electric shock, he felt it.

she brought his hand down further until it cupped her entirely, and suddenly he was on the threshold of whole new world.

"are you sure?" he whispered urgently in her ear.

"mmmmm." he felt her nodding vigorously against his shoulder.

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