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al and emma's kitchen, 1:03

"what?" said emma. "that was all it said?"

"well, that was all i could actually read. the rest of it was just blobs and blurs. i could make out the odd word. the odd 'the' or 'because', but nothing to make any sense of."

"shit," said claire, "that's awful. what do you think it might have said?"

william shrugged. "no idea," he smiled, embarrassed. "i supposed she'd just had second thoughts, you know. decided that throwing herself at me in the middle of a field wasn't something she was particulary proud of. whatever, she obviously couldn't face me. so that was that."

"but that's so tragic. your first love and it was all over in less than a week."

"i know. what can you do?"

"god," mused natalie, "i wonder what happened to her?"

"i saw her," he said, "about seven years later."

"really! what was she doing?"

"well," william smiled, "that's a very interesting question."

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