4. Meeting with the devil

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My body was petrified. Still on the ground, the criminal stopped at about a meter from me, overlooking me all the way up. I didn't know what to do except wait for my sentence. It was now impossible for me to escape.

   "Get up. " The killer snapped. He kept his gun in his hand.

I took a few seconds to move. Hesitating, I got up with difficulty. My legs kept shaking. I did not even know how strong I was to stand still. I dared not meet his eyes. I concentrated on fixing a point on the floor.

I was going to die tonight? It was pretty good.

I never thought that my life could end that way. All because of a big lack of imprudence. To say that I thought myself responsible.

My thoughts turned to my parents. They couldn't stand another family drama. No, not after Kylian's death. I couldn't leave them too. They couldn't overcome the death of their second child. They would be broken forever.

My eyes misted. I was about to crack. When suddenly, the killer stepped on my right. He began to turn around me like a wild beast watching his prey.

A shiver ran through my body as he walked down my back. He could kill me anytime. Returning to my left, the red quickly rose to my cheeks when I felt his eyes on my face. He watched me insistently.

His eyes slid afterwards onto my camera. His expression darkens immediately.

   "Who exactly are you ? Are you a kind of paparazzi ? Are you like to spy on people that's? Fucking you really fell on the wrong person. " He chained in a threatening tone.

As if I didn't know it! He felt real pleasure in driving the nail. As if I did not understand that I was facing a devilish being, maybe even worse than Lucifer himself. I took my courage with both hands to answer him in a little voice:

"No it isn't that ... I ... I went for a walk. I got lost and I heard a voice so I went to hope for help. I ... "

I tried miserably to justify myself to the killer. I was trying to save my skin at all costs.

"You? " He asked me, continuing to fix me.

"I didn't want to witness a live murder! I exploded because of this oppressive situation.

He put his gun in his pocket and walked over to me. He leaned slightly to my face. I recoiled at this gesture.

I discovered his face in the smallest details. I had to admit that this man was devilishly handsome. His features were fine and his eyebrows perfectly drawn. His slightly square jaw made him look very manly.

Quickly this proximity made me feel uncomfortable. I wanted to turn my head to avoid looking at him, but he stopped me by imprisoning my chin between his thumb and forefinger. My body jumped at this first contact. My eyes then plunged into his. They had something ... mesmerizing.

   "I advise you to drop a tone with me. I admit that you put me in a very delicate situation. You saw me shoot that idiot and you could go and report everything to the police. "

He paused before continuing:

   "That you see, it poses me a serious problem ... " He whispered in a deep voice.

He broke our visual exchange and directed his lips to my ear. My breathing quickened. He gave a disturbing little laugh.

"You're lucky I'm in a good mood. So listen to me. You will not talk about our meeting with anyone. Did you understand me correctly? No one. "

I quickly nodded in response to the criminal.

   "And if you decide to break this promise, believe me that I'll find out soon. And the slightest betrayal on your part will cost the lives of your family and your loved ones. It does not matter if they are 5 or 10oo terminals from here. I will find them, and I will slaughter them all one by one. Am I clear? " Continued the killer, more threateningly than ever.

   "Yes ... " I replied in a trembling voice.

  "Good. "

He straightened up, and stared at my camera around my neck. He took it away.

He then amused himself by swinging it from one hand to the other. I approached the heart attack with this vision. No, but he didn't realize how much this item was priceless. Especially this model!

He smirked when he saw my reaction on my face.

"I will keep this gear. Maybe I have hidden photographer talents who knows. " He threw me mockingly.

I clenched my teeth. My face was tight. He was clearly fooling me.

He turned on the device, and directed it towards me. A flash emanated immediately.

My eyes widened. No, but I'm dreaming! He really came to take a picture of me!?

"If you saw your head, you're really in a pitiful state! " He exclaimed half-hilariously.

I felt humiliated. I was both frightened by this man and at the same time angry with him. How could there be beings like him on this Earth?!

The criminal put my device around his neck and approached me again. He reached out his hand and brushed my cheek with his fingertips. I let out a shudder.

"It's time for me to leave you treasure. Pay attention to psychopaths lurking in the area. " He let go in a mocking tone.

With these words, he moved away from me and traced his way without turning around, sinking into the darkness of the narrow lane.

Once alone, I couldn't longer hold my tears.

Shit, but what had I screwed up ...

In The Hands Of A Criminal  (Volume 1)   [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now