1. A new beginning

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My camera in hand I chained up, shots on the banks of the Charles River in Boston. The sun beats less hard and began to go down, coloring the sky with a multitude of twilight colors that contrasted harmoniously behind the high buildings of the city.

People walked peacefully at the water's edge, rocked by a soft marine wind. I liked getting these moments. Moments of a big simplicity but which helped me dive into a perfect plenitude. I felt this need there... one to escape.

To know to enjoy the simple pleasures of life after all no? I was 1oo % agree with this philosophy. After dreaming I don't know how long, I suddenly threw a glance at my watch. 8:17 p.m.

"Shit! " I let out, widening my eyes.

I had completely forgotten to warn my parents that I was going to be late for dinner! I put my camera in my bag, and started a worthy sprint of Usain Bolt to the house. Thank God I had thought of putting on sneakers.

I lived in Back Bay, an upscale residential and commercial district very lively, often frequented by many tourists.

I continued my way through the beautiful straight avenues until I reached in front of my apartment block.

I went in, and hurried up the stairs to the first floor. Slightly hesitant in front of the entrance to the family apartment, I psychologically prepared myself to be bawled by my mother. Without further ado I opened the door and walked quickly through the living room.

"Mom, dad, I'm sorry! I was so obsessed with my photos that I did not see the time pass! " I unleashed a treaty.

As expected, my mother glared at me as cold as a serial killer. My dad, sitting next to her on the sofa, let out a sigh before retorting :

"Ok Maya, it goes for this time, but think to warn us next time ok ? History not to worry about anything. You're 18, you're now a responsible person. No need to get morality over and over again."

"Yes ... it's promised .... still sorry. "

"Well I think this time I will do without comment ... Go now to table! " My mother added clapping hands.


Dinner served, we ate in the calm.

"So, you're ready for tomorrow ?" Threw me my father.

"Well... if we start from the principle that my university room is well reserved, my boxes are ready, and mentally I'm prepared to live in a new city, I think that yes, I'm ready !" I replied smiling with a wink.

"Perfect girl ! " Retorted my father lifting the thumb.

"I can't believe that your student life begins tomorrow. Time passes so quickly... " Told my mother sad face.

   "Oh mom... you know Phoenix is not that far away from Boston. I don't go to the other side of the world. And then when I get time I'll be back to see you and dad."

"Ah, you're rather interest! " She said with a pouting expression.

Ah, hens mothers.

My parents have always been very protective of me. My mother ran her own dentist's office and my father was a real estate agent. I had a youth ... rather happy it's true. I never missed anything. But now it's time to start a new chapter in my life.

Now I wanted to leave out the family protection for the benefit of my independence.

Because yes, tomorrow I moved to Phoenix a few days before my return to the University.

I dreaded, but at the same time I couldn't wait to discover a new city, my university campus and also... new people. I hoped to integrate quickly. I will make sure that everything goes well.

The University of Phoenix was offering me the opportunity to study in the area that has always fascinated me: the photography.

Nothing stopped me here in Boston. I didn't really have close friends, just some vague knowledge... and yet.

It must be said that this last year was particularly difficult for me. I was locked in on myself, which had given me a chaotic social life. For what reason it was a long story ...

The meal finished, I went to my room. Sitting in the chair of my office, I stood there, contemplating the room nostalgically. It seemed empty without my things, which were carefully stored in the cardboard boxes at the foot of my bed.

My attention turned to a piece of photo frame that go beyond from one of them. I got up to take it in my hands. My heart ached every time I looked at this shot. You could see the Boston sunset that subtly illuminated the Back Bay Public Garden. I was in the center of the picture, hopping in the air with Kylian. My big brother ... Our faces radiated happiness.

We were so close. My eyes suddenly began to fog up. I quickly put the photo in the box.

I walked towards the window watching the horizon. It was now dark. I took a deep breath.

   "That's it we are there. I wish you were present at my departure ... " I murmured losing my gaze to the starry sky.

At that moment, I didn't know that my life was going to be turned upside down forever.


   [Author ]

[ Hello Wattpad community ! I'm happy to start my very first fiction! 💪

Thank you for reading this first chapter and feel free to share your opinion. 😊

PS : This chapter is the shortest.  ]


{I'm just translating this story with the agreement of the author. All rights return to • madworld____ • . She is the author. Be tolerant of misspellings. Official story: « Entre les mains d'un criminel » https://my.w.tt/UiNb/03nC2baGOI

I also translated some words and expressions in French in this first chapter to help you to understand the story. Just click on each comment to see what English word is translated.

Tell me if you want me to continue to translate some words of the next chapter (chapter 2) !! }

In The Hands Of A Criminal  (Volume 1)   [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now