21. Escape hectic

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Motionless, Evann Black and I were standing in front of the door.

When we saw the handle move, the criminal hastily took hold of my arm to shoot me on the side. We were both now hidden behind the door that was slowly opening.

A grinding noise echoed through the room followed by several steps.

A man in a white shirt and black suit pants entered the living room. He must have been in his twenties like Tyler. My eyes were drawn to his hand. A silver signet ringed his ring finger. It was a Hunt Brothers.

"Shit!" He exclaimed when he saw Tyler's corpse lying on the ground.

Panic took hold of me. He was going to alert other members of his gang.

But before the Hunt Brothers turned around, Evann Black threw himself on him. The criminal strangled him by wrapping his powerful arm around his opponent's neck. The man tried to struggle but the criminal easily mastered. He released it ten seconds later.

The gang member tried to catch his breath but the criminal didn't give him enough time. Evann Black gave him a clever gesture with a violent kick in the face. The head of the Hunt Brothers turned on the side. His body crashed to the ground. He had just lost consciousness.

Evann Black caught his breath and turned to me. I was stunned to see that he had once again mastered the situation quickly.

"We have to move". He said me as he headed for the exit.

I followed him. We were now in a long corridor. A silence of lead reigned. Nobody seemed to roam around.

My captor and I were walking quickly to the end of the corridor.

But our senses became alert when we heard footsteps in the distance heading straight for us.

Evann Black instinctively dragged me into a new room and closed the door behind us.

My back was stuck to the door while the criminal was right in front of me. His hands were leaning on the wall. My face was between in his arms. It wasn't the first time we found ourselves in this position ... too close for my taste.

Footsteps sounded now in front of our door. There was a sudden pause. Did the person hear us? Why did she stop right here?

Frightened by the situation, I glanced at Evann Black. I was expecting him to watch the doorknob. But instead he watched me in silence.

I was close enough to hear his breathing, which was calm and steady. The way he stared at me always intimidated me. His black eyes pierced mine.

Unable to hold on any longer, I lowered my head to the floor to try to calm the beating of my heart that was panicking in my chest.

I rarely found the courage to challenge him. Once again he had the upper hand on me.

Suddenly, the footsteps started again. They dissipated in a few tens of seconds. Judging that the way was now free, the criminal opened the door carefully. There was no one left.

  Evann Black motioned me to follow him. The voices of the guests in the reception hall gradually spread as we advanced. When we arrived at the top of the stairs that connected the main room the criminal turned to me :

   "If anyone approached let me speak. We really need to leave here as soon as possible. They will soon find the bodies. " He got started with a concentrated air.

  I nodded. We went down the steps quickly. Evann Black was right in front of me. We began to form a passage through the mass of people.

  The criminal walked quickly. I tried to speed up my approach so as not to lose sight of it but what had to happen, happened.

In The Hands Of A Criminal  (Volume 1)   [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now