9. Captive

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Through the faint light that passed through the barricaded shutters of the room, I stared at a white dot on the ceiling, staring into space. Lying on the mattress, I was exhausted physically and morally. I stayed there, waiting for something. My cheeks were still wet by the innumerable sobs that took me since the criminal had left me alone in this room. It's been a long time since I was locked up here ? A few hours ? Two days ? Completely disoriented, I didn't have the concept of time.

In addition, hunger and thirst were seriously beginning to be felt. My body was shaking slightly because of the low temperature that reigned in this gloomy place. I didn't have the strength to get up. More the strength to be afraid. I had given up. I didn't expect anything anymore. For me the end was close.

Were they worried about me since my abduction? My thoughts turned to Kourtney. Knowing she must be in all her forms ... what was frustrating and unfair not to talk to them in those moments. Had we already contacted my parents to announce my disappearance? My heart was pressed to this thought. My mother has become so psychologically fragile since Kylian's death. She'll be shattered when she hears the news ... What's worse than not knowing what happens to your girl ... especially when she's trapped in a fucking psychopath.

Yes Evann Black ... was crazy. A being without heart, without mercy for his victims. I never thought we could be as twisted as him. How could he have gone so far? He probably had a difficult childhood, violent parents, a cruel lack of love or something else.

This man was just scary. I dreaded being in the same room as him. He took an unhealthy pleasure in terrifying me and attacking me physically. My back could still testify, it made me suffer every time I moved.

The limbs of my body contracted instantly when a lock noise was heard. The door opened and I saw the killer walking towards me with things in his hand.

"I bring you something to change you. This dress is clearly more possible. I didn't kidnap a fucking Disney princess. "

Seriously ?! But that was what his problem with my outfit ? I looked away completely ignorant. I wanted to leave nothing in front of him. My gesture seemed annoyed because he didn't hesitate to swing in the face of the stack of clothes. What an asshole. Even a dog was better treated than that ! Withdrawing them quickly from my head, I examined everything. There was a gray cotton t-shirt, probably a thousand times too big for me, and a pretty simple old black jog.

The criminal stared at me for a moment before adding up :

   "Get up. "

   "What? " I threw incredulous.

   "Whore moves your ass instead of staring at me like a bitch. You're far from feeling the rose, I'll take you to the bathroom so you can wash yourself. "

Hmm ... an asshole I said ? I had to admit that a good shower would do me the greatest good. I rose slowly before him. I almost stumbled but the killer caught me by the arm at the last moment avoiding me a nice bowl. He looked up to heaven.

   "And besides that you don't know how to hold on your legs. You're really a hopeless case. "

I didn't answer anything even if I died of envy. I didn't want to confront him again. I didn't want to confront him again. I knew that if I dared to raise my voice I would soon regret it later.

He waved to me, urging me to grab the things on the floor and follow him. Once out of the room I quickly scanned the surroundings. We walked in a long corridor. Just behind him I remained silent. I noticed that he still had his gun in his back pocket. I don't take the risk of trying to steal him by surprise. The slightest mistake could be fatal to me. In addition, I barely had enough energy to succeed in standing up. This attempt would be a failure assured.

A light suddenly blinded me. A large room appeared on my right. The decor was really luxurious. Flat-screen TV, black leather sofas, varnished wood furniture, and long marble tables. A kitchen with modern design was open on this large living room. Through the window I could distinguish a magnificent view overlooking a desert landscape.

Shit, we were really in the middle of nowhere! And what was this deco worthy of a 5 stars hotel ? The mouth slightly ajar I was amazed. It was the day and the night between that and the unhealthy room I was locked in!

The killer turned to me and when he saw my reaction he couldn't issue a little laugh.

   "You thought I was living in a roasted place by cockroaches that's it ? " He said mockingly.

What ? Then it was home ?!

   "Ho ... How could you pay all this knowing that you are actively sought by the police ? " I said.

His face darkens suddenly. He came near me. Whenever I was close to him, I could no longer reason the same way. He really intimidated me with his piercing black eyes. A shiver will run through my body as I feel his breath in the hollow of my ear.

"Treasure ... you ask too many questions there. Just stay in your mutism. To hear your voice insults me. "

I don't react. Even if deep inside me he hurt me. I didn't want to show him that his words could reach me.

The killer turned around and invited me to follow him again. I tried to take a look at the other rooms but all the doors were closed. "It looks like a prison " I thought. Did he lock up other victims at home? This thought gave me goose bumps.

We finally arrived at a white door. The criminal opened it. A modest bathroom appeared in front of me. A shower in the cabin looked pitiful without forgetting the rusty faucet, the dusty mirror and the white tiled floor. It was clearly not the same atmosphere as before in the living room!

Before leaving, the criminal turned for a moment to me.

"You have 10 minutes. If you drag too much I will not hesitate to break the door to pick you up. So I advise you to move. Join me in the living room when you're done. "

With these words he went away, his hands in his pockets nonchalantly. He wasn't serious ? It was out of the question that he saw me completely naked while I showered! I rushed inside the room. I had the reflex to lock the door even if it had just made me understand that it wouldn't prevent him from coming to recover me.

I took off my evening dress, unfastened my hair and stepped into the shower stall. The water fell gently on my shoulders God thank you there was hot water. All my muscles relaxed. I immediately felt better. I took the only soap in the cabin to rub it dynamically all over my body. I also took the opportunity to wash my hair.

For a brief moment my mind was drained of all fear. I was simply relaxed and wanted to savor this moment of respite as long as possible. But soon Evann Black's words resonated in my head. "You have 10 minutes". I let out a long sigh. Decidedly he was very strong to make me live a real nightmare. I reluctantly cut the water out of the shower, taking a towel on the side. I didn't waste time drying myself, and quickly put on the clothes entrusted by the criminal. I didn't want him to surprise me with only a towel around the waist. This thought made me blush.

I wiped the mirror in front of me with the tip of my towel before taking a look at my face. I let out a grimace looking at me. A real big zombie! Dark circles appeared under my eyes. My features were tired by the cruel lack of sleep I had had in recent hours. I was all the more pitiful with the horrible clothes the killer had put on me. Even on Sunday at home I dared not wear such horrors. I didn't look like anything.

Sighing, I wrapped my long wet hair with my towel and gently opened the door. I took a careful look out. Nobody. I was relieved. I took the blue dress in my hands, and walked to the living room, dragging my feet.

I saw Evann Black leaning on the edge of an open window smoking a cigarette. He hadn't heard me coming. I took the opportunity to observe him in secret. His gaze lost in the horizon was thoughtful and his eyebrows slightly furrowed. He really had a captivating beauty.

He must have felt watched as he suddenly turned to me. He let smoke out of his mouth while still watching me. I dared to challenge him by supporting his gaze. In a lead silence, his dark pupils seemed to pierce me like sharp blades. I don't know how long our visual exchange lasted but it seemed like an eternity. Despite my discomfort I didn't want to let go of his eyes. I was hypnotized. It was becoming ... disturbing.

In The Hands Of A Criminal  (Volume 1)   [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now