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I strolled through my secret vault looking for a few things for a couple of potions and spells. Eye of Newt, Toe of Frog, Feather of Phoenix, and Shard of Time. I gathered up all i needed when a sudden alarm went off telling me someone was close by. hiding the objects on my coat I swiftly exited and closed the vault hiding it behind s large painting. Who is their. I asked knowing i was alone I shifted into a rather older male with a long beard, a cane, and torn clothing. Hello old man i'm looking for Shadow. A smiling young woman said walking to the front gates. I am sorry my dear the master cant be reached right now he preparing for something, please come back in a week. No I think he is just busy thinking he can pull the wool over my eyes. What? Give it up I know it is you Shadow! Smiling I shifted back and burnt the cane into ash with my flames. Well Shira long time no see. I say blowing the ash into the air with a wave of my hand. I heard you've been getting some special company lately. So? So, I thought i should tell you Warrior's true purpose. What do you want with her? Nothing she is already doing what I ask... As my spy. I growl and let my claws come out. Lier!

Later on Shira left and i called Warrior to get the whole story. What is it love? Warrior, a wolf came in hear today. Shira? So its true, your just a spy? Originally but i've changed... for you and... She paused. The baby? I said looking at her baby bulge. Yes, Yes, OH YES, please Shadow forgive me I never thought our relation ship would go this far I called it off as soon as i found out about our child! I hugged her close and let a tear escape my right eye. I forgive you will you forgive me? of course, My love. She says holding me close.  

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