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Hello guys!! I have a lot of updating to do!!

So Christmas is near so you know what that means!!!!

...Christmas. It means Christmas.

Anyways, just wanted to do a bigger update than my recent ones since Ive been gone.

My brother might move back in, which is the coolest thing I could've gotten. I love my brother to the bottom of my heart so this is big news to me! Knock on wood tho.

My sister will be coming to my house for Christmas and today we are getting our tree!!!

Ive been in a generally bad mood lately but today I woke up and I'm feeling a little better. So that's what gave me the energy to do anything.

Ive started to draw again, which is a big deal. I stopped art for the longest time because I was just in this really depressive hole and couldn't do anything. But Ive been better.

So, with all that being said, I should be making some more updates than usual.

I love all of you guys. You are valid, you are loved, you are important to this puzzle of life. People would miss you, so don't forget it.

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