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A post for people questioning and people who were questioning in the past:
You are not faking it if you realize after a while you're not trans. Those feelings were very real, ok?
You are not faking it if you thought you were lgbt and you end up not being.
It's okay to be cis
It's okay to be straight
It's okay to be trans
It's okay to not be trans
Just because you like a famous trans guy doesn't mean you have to be trans, and that's okay.
A lot of my friends recently have realized over a while they aren't trans and guess what!!! That's okay!!! They weren't faking it, they were questioning.

I used to think I was a girl, and then I was like "why is it when I see myself in a relationship, I'm the guy? Not like I top, but I am a guy." And after I realized how wrong everything felt, dysphoria set in.

I used to think I was genderfluid, but she/her they/them felt so uncomfortable. The only thing I liked was he/him. And after like 4 months of just he/him, I was like "ok, somethings up. I think I'm a guy."

And I thought because my dysphoria wasn't as bad on some days that meant I was a girl on those days, but it wasn't. I wasn't very educated on the stuff so I just assumed. After I put on two sports bras and said  the words "I think I'm trans" to my (now ex) it fit. All the dysphoria that had been bundled up for the last 7 months made sense. It fit. I understood why I felt so fucking terrible all the time. I understood my body.

But of course, the next month was even more difficult. I needed to get a binder, or my dysphoria would be way too overpowering.

I told my mom October 11th and got my binder like two weeks later.

I slipped it on and that only re-assured me that I wasn't lying to my mom, my sister, and myself. This was really what I needed.

Here's another tip: if you have body dysphoria, that doesn't mean your trans. If you have gender dysphoria but don't act on it, you're not trans. If you don't want to be trans and you have gender dysphoria, that's okay.

I see some people mistake body dysphoria for gender dysphoria. And it sucks cause those people end up realizing later on they're not trans. Again, that's okay, and Having that experience is great! But some people beat themselves up over realizing they're not trans even though they had body dysphoria.

If you're a trans guy and you wear dresses: you're not faking it.

If you: wear makeup, flaunt your body, joke about your breasts, be confident, do "girly" things, have a high voice, grow out your nails, wear polish, and you have gender dysphoria and identify as trans: YOU ARE STILL 100% TRANS!

I wear fake nails, i wear polish, I have a high voice, I flaunt my body (in a joking way lmao) I joke about my breasts. But that doesn't make my dysphoria any less real. Because it is. If I joke about things, it makes me feel better about it, and that's okay.

You can still read my book if you're: anything. Literally anyone.

One more time: it's okay to think you're trans and then not be.

I still accept you.

It's okay, I promise.


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