I changed || Ch 7

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Annie POV;

The next morning I got up and started to get ready for school. I don't know how I will react once I meet Noora and the others but I hav Chris and William right?

I walked into the kitchen and saw Chris sitting on a high chair by the canteen and William stand by the stove and make pancakes.

"Morning guys." I said and yawned.

"Morning sleeping beauty, want some breakfast? I made pancakes." William said and pushed a plate with pancakes towards me.

"Thanks, they are delicious, who knew you could cook?" I said and laughed.

"Ha, ha very funny Beauty." William fake laughed and called me by his obviously new nickname.

"You two can continue flirting at school because we have to go now," Chris said with that stupid smirk and a wink. "Oh, and don't forget your car Annie, your outfit matches."

I wore a red and white outfit, with jeans and jeans jacket in white and a blouse, high heels, bag, clock, and sunglasses in red. I matched it with red lipstick, red eye makeup, red painted nails with black on some fingers, a pair of silver earrings and a golden rose necklace Chris gave me as a welcome to The Penetrators.

"You ready Beauty?" William asked and looked me in the eyes, I didn't say anything but nodded my head once with confidence

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"You ready Beauty?" William asked and looked me in the eyes, I didn't say anything but nodded my head once with confidence. A smirk started to form on the tow boys faces when they saw who I really was. I was not little miss shy, innocent and goody two shoes like I seemed like around Noora and the others, I was strong, powerful and I was determined. Of course I could get nervous and shy but it's just not my nature.

I climbed in the car and started the engine. I took a deep breath and drove behind William and Chris to school.

We started to near and a little nervousness started to form, I don't like the feeling of nervousness, so I tried to push I away but I always came back as fast as it disappeared

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We started to near and a little nervousness started to form, I don't like the feeling of nervousness, so I tried to push I away but I always came back as fast as it disappeared.

We reached school and we parked the cars in front the school yard. William and Chris climbed out from Williams car and walked over and stood leaning on mine. I sat there a little while before putting my sun glasses on and slowly open the door. By now I knew people were staring and whispering but I have to go in school right?

I stepped out elegant but bold. I had my back towards the school and when I finally found the confidence I was searching for, I turned around. With the wind in my hair and the boys by each side of me, I walked towards the school and just stared ahead and did not care if I walked into someone.

I could've asked people if they could move but no, they just had to figure it out them self. And if they didn't, well then be prepared to be stepped on.

I just felt the smirk growing on my face as I knew that Nissen had just got a new queen, and you better not stand in her way because then you will be punished. I think I'm not the only one that thought that because William's and Chris smirks just grew with ever step I took and with every student getting out of my way and stared in wonder, confusion, jealousy, anger, amazement and curiosity.

Wonder, confusion and curiosity because most of them didn't know who I was, I mean school just started and I was not so popular before, well I was a nobody. Jealousy and anger because I had the two hottest and popular boys wrapped around my little finger, and well particularly I am pretty hot too but I didn't know that. And last in amazement at how I could have such a nice car, and clothes, how I just in one second could get known in the whole school, get on top of the food chain and how I could get not only get the two hottest and popular boys wrapped around my little finger but almost the whole school.

I was feared, admired and hated. But it didn't matter, I had my circle of friend -The penetrator- and that's all I needed. And the music of course, but they don't have to know that, well Chris knows but he promised not to tell on me.

We reached the table where the other Penetrators were at and they just stared at me in confusion and disbelief.

"Well, this is Annie. She is one of us now, and if you have anything against that then get the hell out of here." Chris informed the others while William nodded in confirm.

Third person POV;

To say that the group of five girls was confused when they saw who the girl William and Chris was walking with is a understatement. They were more than confused but not only that, they were angry, disappointed and sad.

Noora did not know what had happened to get her twin sister to be like that, but she knew that she did not like it

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Noora did not know what had happened to get her twin sister to be like that, but she knew that she did not like it. Last time something like this happened it did not end well.

Sana was actually not surprised, how could she? Her twin sister and only friend had just left her alone in school, left her out of every discussion they had and they just make plans without her. Sana was kind of happy for Annie because well truth to be told, Annie deserves better than them.

Chris was not angry or disappointed, she was kind of in a trance by Annie's entrencé so she couldn't think straight, so when reality stuck her sha became sad. Sad because she knew that Annie would not come back to them anytime soon. She liked Annie, she did not judge Chris and she was funny. Chris thought that Annie was the perfect girl and she was kind of right.

Eva was confused, really confused. Why would Annie hang out with The Penetrators? With Chris Schistad? And with William Magnusson? Eva thought that Annie did not like to be around people like them, but she was not only confused, sha was angry. Angry that Annie just left the others and her without saying anything, and angry that she befriended them of all the people. Eva had seen Annie's Instagram and by the look at it, sha was soon going to be friend with Ingrid, Sara and their gang, Pepsi Max.

But nothing could compare to the rage and jealousy Vilde held, the only thing she could se was red. Red like Annie's car, red like Annie's clothes and red as Annie's makeup. She wanted to rip every bone of Annie to sheds and then throw them everywhere just don't near William. She wanted to bust out and ruin Annie's life like she had mere minutes ago ruin hers. She wanted to go to Annie and confront her right there in front of everyone in The Penetrators she wanted them to see who she really was, a bitch or at least that is what Vilde thought of her. And she wanted them to see what a mistake it was for them to befriend her or even talk to her, and that is exactly what Vilde planned to to after school with the help of the other four girls who stood around her and stared at the group of over 15 males and one single female.

'That bitch is going down'

Cursive; thinking

Weeeeell a new chapter, what'd you think? Good? Bad? Exiting? Short? I personally think it's a bit short but well...Haha, well I am just proud that I even update now, but it will soon come a new chapter for you guys!<33


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