Ways To Say I Love You

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Kuroko didn't need to be told that they loved him. He already knew.

Of course they didn't all say it the same way. Different gestures, gifts, well meant advice, or even a simple compliment.

They all showed their love of the little phantom in different ways.

Kise, for example, loved big gestures.

The most elegant restaurants, luxury hotels, vacations every weekend. He showered him with the finest goods and plenty of affection.

"Nothing is too good for kurokocchi!" He would say often. Most of the time, while crushing the boy with tight hugs.

Murasakibara, however, was the opposite. Always doing little things that showed how much he loved him.

Vanilla flavored chips he just happened to find on sale, chocolates that himuro bought him that he didn't particularly enjoy, anything that he thought Kuroko would like.

By the end of the day, Kuroko's locker would be filled with sweets, treats, and many other snacks. Among them, vanilla flavoured sodas and even a milkshake one day.

Aomine was like murasakibara when it came to effort. Always lacking in creativity as well, but also like murasakibara, it was the little things that won Kuroko's heart.

Instead of food however, he used certain tactics he knew would work in his favor.

He would bring him sports drinks after practice and take him to maji burger for a milkshake after especially difficult games. Even walking him home when it grew dark outside.

The only person who did not do any sort of gesture was midorima.

Midorima did not take Kuroko on vacations or buy him milkshakes. Instead he became protective to the weak boy.

When Kuroko first joined the team, he thought of him as fragile and incapable of playing but as time went on he realised that Kuroko was fully capable of playing basketball, but he was still pretty fragile.

Afraid of him not getting his proper nutrients or being hurt by other envious team members he made it his duty to protect Kuroko from any harm.

"Put on your seatbelt Kuroko."

"Kuroko, look both ways before crossing the street."

"You need a proper meal. You are coming over for dinner, no exceptions."

Yes, while midorima seemed over bearing he was correct about him getting hurt. There were many players on the basketball team at teiko who were envious of Kuroko for joining the Generation of miracles.

They would play pranks on Kuroko and harass him everywhere he went.

One day, it just stopped. It was when Midorima came in, followed by the two main bullies who sporting black eyes, that he guessed what had happened.

Despite being against violence, Kuroko knew midorima was the one who had done it, although the tsundere would never confess to it even if it meant his life.

Kuroko needed someone to look after him after all.

But no one can forget akashi.

While he also enjoyed big gestures, most of them were too grand for Kuroko's taste.

Some of Akashi's more mild gifts were a penthouse, a mansion, his own personal airline, an elementary school named after him, a chauffeur to take him anywhere he needed to go, and even ensuring that Kuroko would go to any college of his choosing after making a few national ,and international, calls.

Yes, they all loved Kuroko and they all showed it in different ways. But even if it meant being able to live a normal life, Kuroko wouldn't give it up because he loved them as well.

Kuroko looked a picture on his wall and smirked.

It was a picture of them all with a big banner that said "happy birthday kuroko"


A thud was then heard from the living room and sounds of struggle were heard throughout the halls

"Kise, Aomine, you are being childish."



"Mine-chin, I think he's suffocating."

"Daiki, if he dies I will not be pleased."

Kuroko sighed before walking into the living room to face whatever dilemma they had now.

When he arrived he saw kise on the floor with Aomine sitting on top of his back while midorima, akashi, and murasakibara stood and watched.

Instead of his usual annoyance, he adorned a smile and thought to himself.

"Yep, I love still love them."

Thanks for being patient. I'm really lazy so I procrastinate alot.

I hope you guys enjoyed the story and leave any comments down below, I promise I'll answer as soon as possible.

And as much as I'd like to promise a future date for the new chapter of dull heartaches I can't so I'll let you know as soon as possible

Love you guys byyyyyeeeee
~(  ^_^)~

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