Happy Birthday- part one (kikuro)

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Beep beep beep beep

"Kise, it's time for your photoshoot. Then at 9, we have your interview. After that- we have to rush over to your meet and greet then pick up your new outfit for the party tonight. Then- Kise are you even listening to me!"

Kise groggily sat up, mumbling before he looked at his phone. 7:38. Quickly, he rushed to his closet and started changing.

"Why didn't you tell me it's so late!"

His manager looked at him confused before rechecking her schedule. "Kise, your photoshoot doesn't start till 8:25."

"Who cares about a dumb photoshoot!" Kise said, losing his composure and dropping his shirt. "Today is Kurokocchi's birthday!"

"Oh, Kuroko! That nice boy I met last week? He was such a doll."

Kise looked at the picture he had from last year. It was from the day he asked Kuroko to marry him. He said no of course but he still savored the memory. "Yeah he's.....he's the best."

"Well," his manager continued, "he can attend all your errands today if you promise not to make a fuss before the party."

"Really!" Kise hugged his manager, much to her dismay, before she pushed him away. "And no touching." She added while readjusting her glasses.

"I promise!" Then Kise ran down the stairs and rushed out the door.

knock knock

Kuroko had no time to answer the door before his dear friend burst in with gifts in tow. "Happy Birthday Kurokocchi!" Kise shouted before picking him up and twirling him around.

Kuroko turned to look at the busted door and back at Kise. "My door."

Kise was confused until he saw the damage he had done. "I'm sorry Kurokocchi! I promise I'll have it fixed, we don't want strangers walking into your apartment. I wouldn't know what I would do if you got hurt! I-"

Kuroko patted Kise's head twice, a signal that he wanted to be let down. Then he walked over to the kitchen to which Kise followed. When he entered he saw all his friends gorging themselves on food, aside from Akashi who was sitting quietly, waiting for Kuroko's return.

"Midorima made breakfast."

Midorima turned to Kise with a sharp glare before looking back at his plate. "I thought Kuroko and I could share a nice meal. I guess I was wrong."

"What's that supposed to mean, four eyes?!"

Kuroko sighed before taking a seat, making room for Kise at the table.

"Happy birthday Kurokocchi!" Kise yelled before digging into his breakfast while Kuroko and Midorima talked about this show that they had watched earlier.

Knock knock

"Who's that Kuro-chin?"

Kuroko looked just as confused as everyone else and took awhile to respond. "I don't know."

Kuroko stood to open the door but Kise pulled him back. "No Kurokocchi! What if it's a murderer or a kidnapper or-!"

"Calm down Kise," Midorima stated in a calm manner. "As the oldest, it is my responsibility to take care of unwanted guests."

He walked over swiftly and opened the door. "Fuck you." He then slammed the door and sat down in his seat as if nothing happened.

"Who was that Midorima?"

He only averted himself from Kuroko's gaze. "No one."


That seemed to have got his attention as Midorima brought himself to look Kuroko in the eye.

"It, was Haizaki."

Hey guys, sorry about the editing but it's kinda late at night so I didn't really have the time. Fortunately, I will have the second chapter to this tomorrow.

Love you guys and thanks for reading. Honestly I would never have had reached my goal without you guys and you're such sweet people.

~( ^ - ^)~

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