Fairy Tales: Snow White

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Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom, there was a young prince named Tetsuya.

Tetsuya was a beauty, earning smiles from those around him. However the Evil king, Ryouta, was jealous of his looks.

"Hey, Akashicchi! That's mean. I'm not jealous of kurokocchi!"

"Quiet Ryouta, you will have your own turn the speak."

He ordered his best huntsman to kill the prince and bring him his heart as proof.

But once catching sight of the prince, he quickly became guilty and full of sorrow. He refused to kill the boy and instead ordered him to run away as far as he could.

To fool the evil king, the huntsman presented the heart of a pig. Because the king was such an imbecile, he believed it was the heart of Tetsuya and was satisfied.

"Akashicchi! I'm not dumb!"

"Ryouta, one more word and I will sever your tongue, understand?"

Tetsuya was lost in the forest for days before coming upon an old cottage.

He pondered whether or not he should enter, thinking of the dangers that could be held within, but knowing he wouldn't survive in the wilderness alone, he went in.

He toured the cottage, walking through the filth of the house.

"Who lives in such a mess?" He said to himself, ascending up the stairs.

At the top of the stairs was an attic with four beds and scattered around the floors were snacks, magazines, and many random items.

Tetsuya knew the cottage belonged to but he was tired and hungry so he decided to rest on one of the beds, only for a bit, and leave soon after.

When he woke up he was surrounded by four men.

"Isn't it seven?"



"I'm sorry, I just needed a place to rest. I will leave now."

The prince rose and began to depart when he was stopped.

"Why are you in our house?"

Tetsuya looked up to see the man in his way.

"I needed a place to stay. Now, if you excuse me, I will be going."

This time, it was the green haired one who spoke up.

"And where exactly is it that you are going to?"

"I...I don't know."

The men could tell the boy had no money, no family, and no place to live.

Deciding to give pity to the boy they let him stay, as long as he was willing to clean as they worked all day and could not do it themselves.

However word spread quickly to the king that the prince was still alive. Realizing the only way to kill him was to do it himself, the king put together a disguise.

Tetsuya continued living in the house and became friends with its inhabitants, learning the men's names were Atsushi, Shintaro, Taiga, and Daiki.

When they were at work, Tetsuya would clean the house spotless and bake them many treats to show them his gratitude.

One day when they were at work, Tetsuya was in the kitchen baking a cake and heard a knock at the door.

'Perhaps they forgot something' he thought and opened the door only to reveal an elderly man.

"Excuse me, do you know which way the village is? I seemed to have gotten lost."

The old man seemed polite and kind, so Tetsuya thought nothing of it.

"Yes, the village is that way." He said, pointing to the left. "Only a few miles down, I believe."

"Thank you, take this milkshake for your generosity."

The man then continued on his venture leaving Tetsuya by himself once again.

Cautiously, he took a sip and savored the taste of vanilla. However, he grew weary and collapsed to the floor.

When his friends arrived home, they were greeted with the sight of their dear friend on the floor.

They cried and regretted leaving the boy alone. Carefully, they put him in a glass coffin in hopes he would wake up one day.

Months later, another prince named seijuurou walked through the forest after hearing rumors of a slumbering prince that could only be awakened by true loves kiss.

He was about to give up when he came upon the sleeping Tetsuya, graced with his beauty and captivated by his fairness.

He pecked the snoozing prince, full of despair, knowing he would most likely never wake again.

Hearing rustling he looked up to see Tetsuya awake and bewildered before he looked at seijuurou and smiled.

Now, with his heart full of joy, seijuurou and Tetsuya kissed once more and lived happily ever after. The end.

"That's not fair! I want to kiss kurokocchi too, you always get to kiss Kurokocchi and I'm villain!" Kise cried once more, annoying everyone else.

"At least your character didn't die this time." Said Atsushi as he chewed on various snacks.

"Not yet."

"Yea- wait what?"

Before he had time to respond, kise was chased out of the room by Akashi.

The end

Hey I hope you guys liked the story, its not what I had planned but I figured Kuroko as the princess in fairy tales would be a good fanfic, however if you want a different pairing just ask otherwise Kuroko will always be part of the main pairing

Leave a like or whatever it is they use on wattpad and tell me would you rather have the next one be

1.) Sleeping beauty

2.) Cinderella

3.) Beauty and the beast

4.) Little red riding hood

5.) Rapunzel

Thanks for reading, enjoy your day, leave comments please it makes my day, and follow for more updates!
~( ^ _ ^)~

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