I hate you but not really (murakuro)

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Sometimes you don't keep up

"Kuro-chin, you're too far behind."

Sometimes you don't listen

"Kuro-chin, I don't think you'll make that jump."

"Just trust me."



And sometimes you are irritating

"Murasakibara-kun, you shouldn't be eating snacks before a game."

But sometimes you're smart

"I don't get this kuro-chin."

"Well a straight line is 180° right? So half of that is 90. One third of 90 is 30 so x equals 30."

And nice

"Murasakibara-kun, I found some unusual snacks when I went grocery shopping. I thought you might enjoy them."

And loyal

"Why don't you come play for our team. We would use your talents much more wisely."

"Thank you, but I must reject your offer. I made a promise to my team and I can't let them down."

And brave

"Basketball isn't a constant competition, it's a game. A game where you learn to rely on your team and have dignity when you lose. Cheating means you have already given up on the game."

"How heart-warming. You honestly believe that?"

"I do."

So trust me when I say this

"Murasakibara-kun," They had just finished practice and decided to wait on the bleachers until their ride came, "how do you feel about me?"

Murasakibara turned to Kuroko surprised, not knowing what to say. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you always say you hate me. Is that true?"

Murasakibara looked up at the sky and pondered before responding. "I think I kinda love you."

Of course, Murasakibara had a lot more that he wanted to say. He wanted to say he cared about him more than anyone else, that he was the best thing that ever happened to him, and that he would give anything to be with him, but that seemed to satisfy both of them for now.

You are the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with

Hey guys, sorry it took so long but I got some stuff going on and I should really learn my lesson about making promises I can't keep.

However, I can promise that I should have a new chapter and story done by Thursday so look forward to that.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed the story, it was a little cheesy and not very well done but it's all I could churn out today. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow but my friend is also going through some serious things and I need to be there for him.

Thank you guys for reading and comment down below, anything is great really and also I'M ALSO NEAR 1K! I love you so much and I hope you keep reading!

~(  ^ - ^)~

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