First Meeting- Band Au

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It started with a book, not any book. The book. A special edition novel that was the last in stock. To most people, it was no treasure, but it was like gold to Kuroko Tetsuya. The last book written by his favorite author before they retired.

There was one store in particular where Kuroko would shop. Two blocks away from the apartment he was staying in. 'A quick trip there and back, shouldn't take long.'  he thought to himself, but somewhere in the back of his mind was a voice saying something wasn't right.

It wasn't threatening, but more of a caution. As if to tell him that fate had other plans. Against his better judgment he decided to go anyways, after all not much could happen in the span of ten minutes. Oh, how wrong he was.

First, his bike was gone- probably stolen by the younger boys in his neighborhood. Then he lost his jacket, though he could continue his venture without it, he was still quite cold by the autumn breeze. Then he ran into him.

He was tall and slim, wearing a simple hoodie and jeans. His emerald eyes caught Kuroko's attention. 'Such a beautiful color' he thought.

He was going to ignore the stranger and continue looking for his book until he realized- it was in the guy's hands. "Excuse me, may I have that book? I've been waiting awhile to get it."

The boy just looked at him humorously until he realized- he was being serious. A look of arrogance and disgust showed through. "I'm sorry but if you wanted the book you should have been here earlier. Why don't you find another."

Kuroko is a patient person and he would have kindly explained to him why he needed that particular book. Unfortunately, Kuroko was also a very stubborn person. "I'm sorry, but I have waited months for this book to come out and pre-ordered it from the store. So no, I will not find another book- this one is already mine."

They continued to argue for what seemed like days over who was the rightful owner of the book. Other customers stopped and stared while the employees were waiting for the right moment to cut in.

"You insufferable degenerate! I don't know how one person could stand you-let alone three!"

"You should talk. I have tried to be reasonable but it seems impossible with you! I don't know how your friends deal with it!"

The cashier was helpless, as were his co workers who had no idea what to do. It wasn't until the bell rang and the door opened that their attention was drawn off the spectacle. There stood three young boys however the one in front seemed to be the most menacing.

Everyone but the two arguing stopped as they walked into the store. Hearing footsteps, they both stopped yelling for one second to see who the intruding person was.

"AKASHIIII!" They both shouted, facing him and pointing fingers.

"Akashi, this guy just walked up, asked for MY lucky item, and yells at me about it like shopping is abnormal thing!"

"I've been waiting for this book for months, you guys know that, and they finally have it and I reserved it and everything and now's he's taking it!"

No one could really understand what they were saying as they were talking over eachother but Akashi seemed to get the jist.

"Shintaro, why are you harassing my precious Tetsuya? Is this an issue I have to look into?"

Midorima looked at Akashi and Kuroko as confusion crossed his face before replacing it with a look of defeat. "No, Akashi." he said, crossing his arms and readjusting his glasses.

"And Tetsuya," he continued, "Shintaro had been here before you. He has the right to buy the book just as much as you do. I'm disappointed to see you act like this, especially in a public place."

Kuroko just huffed, not wanting to admit that Akashi was right. After all, the reaction was unneeded. Kuroko might be difficult but he still has class.

"Hurry and pay for your things, we have places to be," Akashi said checking his watch as he walked out the door with the others following suit.

"Aka-chin is in a bad mood today." Kuroko nodded as Murasakibara handed him his jacket.

"Yeah, I hope he gets out of it soon. He's so annoying when he gets like this, and me and Tetsu wanted to go get something to eat."

"How come I'm not invited Mine-chin?" Murasakibara asked, glaring at Aomine as they walked.

"Cus' they have a no titans allowed policy." Murasakibara was about to shove Aomine into the wall when Midorima interrupted.

"uM, ExCusE mE! WHO THE HELL IS THIS!?" The rest of them turned to look at him as he pointed towards Kuroko.

"Oh yeah, this is Tetsu. Tetsu, this is four eye's. I mean, Midorima. Kuroko's new- met him through Kise. Honestly, I thought you guys met like, seven months ago." Aomine paused in thought and started counting on his fingers.

"Wait, what?! He's not new if he was here seven months ago you idiot!" Midorima yelled after stopping in the middle of the side walk.

"Oh no, we met Kuro-chin over a year ago. Probably around April." Murasakibara said munching on some chips that Akashi had provided.

Kuroko then added, "April 21st to be exact."

"I met you guys October 13th! How come I didn't know him?!" Midorima then sighed and held his head in his hands. "You know what, it doesn't matter. It was bearable to meet you, Tetsu."

"Only Aomine can call me that, you can call me Kuroko." Midorima groaned as the frustration began to set in again.

"I hate all of you." Midorima stated crossing his arms. Despite his childish and cold behavior however, he started to grow on Kuroko. In a good way.

"We love you too Midorima." He said, smiling.

You may be asking, wheres the new chapter that you already promised? And to that I say- idk. I have it pretty much done but I will finalize tonight, before I go to bed, and publish it.

Honestly, I'm sorry it took so long. Ive been really stressed and that's not an excuse but it's just difficult sometimes. I love writing, especially these stories - I really do- but other times I want to stop everything and go do something else. The sorrows of an author.

But anyways, I put the answer to that easter egg I gave you guys awhile back and I will answer some of the questions today. I also put the same post on other accounts like my one on AO3 so I have quite a few I can answer today.

Oh, and by the way, this chapter is in the band AU but it isn't part of the story line. Just a one shot.

I love you guys and I hope you enjoyed the story, also don't be afraid to ask, there is no limit to how many questions you can ask so do what you will (some might not be able to be answered right now but I usually do all my wattpad ones first.)

Love you, byyyyeeeee💙
~(  ^ - ^)~

Oh, and before you go - tell my friend Alex happy birthday, her quince is coming up. I'm soooo excited!

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