Ch. 5

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I was currently sitting in sixth period for creative writing, which seemed to drag on forever. The teacher's voice had already began to sound like a teacher on Charlie Brown to me.

My head snapped up, suddenly alert when I heard the words "partner work." I was not in the mood for people today, especially after my little talk with the principal this morning.

I groaned putting my head in my hands, my leather jacket squeaking against the desk doing so. Feeling a tap on my shoulder, I whipped my head around to find Mr. Blue Eyes.

"All my friends partnered up so I guess it's just you and me now, rebel," he smirked. Something told me it was intentional, and that he could've easily gotten another partner.

"Whatever," I replied rolling my eyes, going to grab a computer from the front of the room.

Our assignment was to create a character for a short story we would be writing later this week. Sadly, the short story would almost be written with our partner.

"Ok, character sketch," my partner started, logging into the computer. "Physical features, girl or boy?"

"Um, girl?" I replied as more of a question. I was slightly taken aback by his interest in my opinion. I wasn't as surprised at his sudden need to take charge.

"Hells yeah," he seemed a little too excited about that. I rolled my eyes at his response.

He shoved the computer in front of my face. It was opened up to Word, with one name already typed. Kyle Jones.

"You're supposed to type your name," Kyle leaned in, informing me. I rolled my eyes, finally putting a name to face.

"No dip, sherlock," I deadpanned. He raised an eyebrow at me. I turned and typed my name in, sliding the computer back to him.

"Alright so we already decided it was a girl, what should she look like?" he questioned staring off into space with his head in his hands. My guess was that he was daydreaming about this girls appearance, probably giving her a blonde head of hair and a killer body.

"I don't care," I replied, doing a really bad job at hiding my boredom.

"You're not going to help with this, are you?" he asked, snapping out of his little daydream.

"Nope, not really," I avoided eye contact but out of the corner of my eye I saw him shake his head as he started typing.

I leaned back, plugging my headphones in as Rly Real by blackbear came through the cords. Honestly, I didn't care at all what score we got, and I'm assuming it won't be a good one.

I pulled my earbud out about half an hour later when I felt a tap on my shoulder, the teacher was talking but I wasn't paying attention. That's when I realized she was asking people to present.

"Cameron, do you want to present?" she asked, pointing her finger in my way.

Before I could tell her how I would rather not, a hand shot up next to me.

"I can do it," Kyle told her. I was surprised by his actions to save me, but I was not about to protest. I simply gave the teacher a small smile and let him go up and do his thing.

To say the least, it was impressive. He went into extreme detail, creating a backstory, motives, goals, and emotions. What took him half an hour, would've taken me days.

Once he was finished he walked back to his desk. Before sitting down, he tapped my jaw.

"Pick that up before you accidentally eat some flies," he smirked, sliding into his seat.

I was speechless, all I could was gawk at him. Never would I have expected such talent from a guy who ditches classes to have sex. At least that's what I had assumed, given the fact he'll often come in late with messy hair and lipstick smudges.

"Cat got your tongue?" he asked, smirk still prominent on his lips. What was it with boys and smirking?

I snapped out of my train of thoughts and just nodded my head, turning back towards the front again.


It was nearly 11:30 on a school night and I was finally being called into the ring for my first fight of the evening. A small smile played on my lips as I faced my opponent. They were small and scrawny. Based on their defensive stance, and the way they were bouncing up and down like an excited child on Christmas Eve, I assumed he was untrained. He look terrified as soon as the announcer said the word "undefeated" in reference to me. Rule number one in street fighting: Never show fear.

Knowing this kid would be fairly busy, I immediately went into offense mode, throwing a right hook to his stomach. I cocked my arm back, aiming for his head. I swung but stopped, right before making contact with his skull.

Something about the flicker of absolute terror in his eyes, or the whimper of horror that escaped from his lips, couldn't bring me to hit him. We stayed like that for a few moments. Him being slunk back against the ring, my fist just mere millimeters away from his face.

He took it as an opportunity and kneed me in the stomach. It didn't hurt, but it was enough to snap me out of my daze. I grabbed his arm and twisted around so I was behind him. He screamed in pain, begging for mercy as I continued twisting.

"Alright, that's enough," the anouncer said sternly, pulling me off the boy. "AND THE WINNER IS THE UNDEFEATED PRIEST!"

The boy quickly ran out of the rink. Curiosity got the best of me as I followed right behind him. Ignoring the calls of my sisters, I pushed through the crowd, fighting to keep up with my former opponent.

Just as I was about to reach him, he ran up to an older boy, throwing his arms around him. The older boy held on tightly, as if scared to let go.

Once they finally did, the elder of the two scanned the room, momentarily making eye contact with me. The world seemed to slow down as he did.

Two piercing blue eyes. I knew these eyes. I've seen them before.

I pulled my hair in frustration as I tried to place where I had seen this person before. Zoey came up to me and tapped my shoulder.

"Hey, stop pulling your hair, you can take this out on your next opponent because they're calling you."

And calling me they were. The crowd was chanting my name, and the announcer let out a deep chuckle. My opponent spat my name out like poison, getting into a ready stance.

I decided to follow Zoey's advice and take my anger out on him.

"Hey, stop pulling your hair, you can take this out on your next opponent because they're calling you."

I won once again after a hard fight. My opponent, was tall, with very prominent muscles. His eyes pierce me as a hair tie held his hair out of the of them.

By the way he fought, he was definitely trained well. I won by pure luck, given the fact that he was momentarily distracted with a women in the corner. Men.

I rolled my eyes and giggled to myself, thinking about the wins of tonight and the prize I would be receiving.

I jumped for joy when the guy handing all of the money handed it to me. Shaking it, I decided there was going to be more than I️ needed for my third of the rent.

I slipped out of the arena and hopped into my bike, immediately revving the engine. I became giddy as the motor roared to life.

With a small grin on my face, I let the wind blew away all of the adrenaline of the night, as I drove off into the stars.


Hey guys so this chapter was typed on my phone, which has sort of problem every time the word "I" or "I've" or anything of the like is typed. My computer doesn't show any problems but my phone does.  So if you see a square with a question mark by it or an "A" with a question mark by it, it's the letter "I"

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