Ch. 6

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     GLANCING AT MY phone, the clock told me it was 10:08. The guys who had seemed so set on threatening us for a rematch couldn't even make it to their own appointment on time. I replayed their words in my head, making sure I was at the right place.

 "Meet here 10 o'clock, three nights time."

 We were in the same arena we had met them in three nights ago. 

Rolling my eyes, I started to pack my stuff up. 

"Cameron, wait," Zoey instructed, putting her hand up, motioning for me to stop. "I think I hear them coming."

As if on que, a slick black car pulled up. All three men in their same seats as before. 

The front door opened and out stepped the driver. His tall figure towering over us, while his muscles threatened to split through his tight jacket. Pulling his sunglasses down slightly, he eyed us, as if to size up the competition.

"I say we make a bet," he growled. I instantly recognized his voice, confirming that it was for sure the guy. 

"Go on," I challenged crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Winner get a thousand dollars for each participant," he replied, waving his sunglasses around as he referred to us. "We'll do this in teams. Me and my guys against you girls."

I looked to my sisters before we all nodded our heads in agreement to this. 

He explained the rules, letting us cut in where we may. We established a route and all creeped our way to the starting line. One of his men stayed back to signal the start.

As soon as he sent his hand down, signalling us to go,  all you could hear was the sound of burning rubber. Moments later we all sped away, with my sisters and I taking immediate lead. 

We rushed down roads and through alleys. We weaved in and out of other cars and swerved trashcans. 

Not once did we let our opponent pass us. We ended up winning the race by a longshot. Apparently agility is a harder skill to accomplish in a large car.

As soon as we made our way to the finish line we hopped off our bikes, and took of our helmets. I shook my hair out and ran my hand through it while waiting for the other guys to show up. 

"That's that I'm talking about!" Kimberly said holding up her hand for high fives. We looked at her and started laughing before slapping our hands together. We turned our heads as soon as we heard the low tumble of an engine. 

Our opponent climbed out of the car and made his way over to us. He stopped a few feet away from us and stared for a moment, clenching and un-clenching his jaw. He reached his hand in his pocket and shoved a thousand dollars into Zoey's hand.

"Wait," she said, stopping him.

"What do you want?" he snarled. 

"You said one thousand dollars for each participant." A smirk spread onto our faces as the buff guy slammed more money into Zoey's hand. She counted it and gave Kim and I our thirds. 

She flashed a wicked smile at him as he walked away. 

He suddenly kicked the tire once he got to his car, making us all jump. I looked at Kimber giving her a look, trying to communicate how crazy this dude was. She nodded as a small chuckle escaped her mouth. 

After his little temper tantrum he got in the car and raced off, making his tires screech as he left. 

"So," I dragged out, "What now?"

"We're already out, why not fight," Zoey suggested, shrugging her shoulders. 

"I'm down," Kimber replied as a wicked grin grew on her face. 

We hopped on our bikes and immediately made our way to the bar. As the wind blew past us, we heard the crowd cheering way before we cold see them. A small smile involuntaroly crept its way onto my face as adrenaline started pumping through my veins.

As we walked in, the announcer called up two fighters to the ring. Cobra and Tiger. They were both amazing fighters and I especially admired Cobra. One of them had piercing blue eyes I saw the other night. The other one was a familiar opponent I had previously beaten, a few months ago. He became a lot better, rapidly progressing in skill and I started to enjoy watching his fights.

I told the sign-in guy my name and told me when I would be fighting. The name was unfamiliar and I hoped he would give me a challenge. I haven't had one of those for a while. 

Suddenly I was slightly shoved forward. I looked up to see who bumped into me and met a pair of blue eyes.

"Sorry," he mumbled before looking down. A look of shock and recognition flashed across his face. 

"Rebel?" he asked, still stunned. 

We stared at each other for a second before I snapped back into reality. I'm not supposed to let any I know, besides my sisters, carry the knowledge that I am a street fighter. That would attract attention and cause drama.

Luckily, my name was called at that moment, and I made my way to ring. I didn't bother to answer Kyle, hoping he would forgot about our little encounter.

"3, 2, 1, FIGHT!" the announcer screamed signaling the start. 

My opponent immediately went offensive and kicked me in the ribs, surprising me momentarily. He took it as an opportunity to send a left hook into my jaw. Getting pissed that I let my guard down twice, I blocked the next punch he sent my way by spinning in the air and grabbing his arm with my legs and twisting him, causing him to land on the ground.

He quickly got up as I threw a roundhouse kick to his head. He stumbled back a bit and took that as an opportunity to punch him in the stomach. His reflexes were quick as he grabbed the arm that was aimed for him and twisted it around my back, as I let out a scream. He quickly lifted his knee up, hitting me in the side of my upper thigh. I am going to hurt so bad tomorrow.

I threw my leg back, hitting him where the sun don't shine. He back off for long enough for my squirm out of his grasp and throw a spinning punch to his face, knocking him out cold. Luckily, I wasn't wearing any white, as his nose splattered blood from the contact.  

Grinning to myself, I made my way out of the ring. 

My path to my sister was suddenly interrupted by someone bumping into me. Wincing, I looked up to see who had hit my injured shoulder.

"Sorry," they mumbled, looking around, before looking down. I sent them a glare before continuing my path.

I walked over to my sister and wished them luck before sitting at the bar and watching everyone else fight. I'm gonna hate myself tomorrow.



It's funny how humans always feel the universe should stop for them but in reality no one cares and you just have to chin up and get over it.

-Dan Howell 

What do you think so far? 

What songs do you have memorized word-for-word?

Do you like Kyle?

What is your favorite movie?

Lol go check out my other book I Accidentally Hit the Bad Boy. It's slightly cliche' but its still cute so I don't really care...

I'm not sure if you guys are down for author notes at the end of the chapter but it's whateverrr. Let me know what you think and maybe we can make it a thing in this book too. 

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