That Moment When:: Ch. 16

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**I've been out Christmas shopping!! Yah!! Late update, but it's out now. Hoping to have another out Friday or next Tuesday. Mwah! Comment and vote it you enjoy the story so far! **

This has been the longest day of my life. I'm lying on the most amazing, fluffy couch. Porter's sofa feels like heaven, but instead of being able to sleep, I'm in a fit of tossing and turning. The boys wanted me to take the bed but once I sat down there was no way I was moving.

Porter and Zackary are sharing the one bedroom, and the only noise I've heard the last few hours is the tick-tock of the clock.  This quaint, cozy cabin is on the back end of Aunt Sophie's property. It's front door opens to a livening space with natural woods, white and black decorated touches, and a real wood-burning fireplace. A large island separates the space from the kitchen with marbles and brass finishes. It's something I could see any single guy living in with comfort. I wonder how long Porter has been living here, or did he just move in recently?

It's officially been twenty-four hours since the club incident. We went directly to the hospital yesterday, but much to my dismay, visiting hours were over. I was able to talk to Paisley's parents and they assured me she was going to be okay, all things considering, but it doesn't stop my worry. Paisley was my only friend that I've made here with no ulterior motives and I'm praying she still wants to be my friend after all this has blown over. 

I'm still struggling with the fact that Porter was hired. In the midst of this messed up situation, I understand I was lucky to have him on my side, watching over me, protecting me. Zackary assured me his interest was genuine but the fact is that my Father paid him to talk to me. Flattering, I know. Even Aunt Sophie knew that Porter was acting as security personnel to me. She revealed that she was the one that suggested him to my Dad. Considering that it's my life at stake, it would be lovely not to be treated like a child.

I'm glad Zackary has stuck by my side this whole time, making my laugh at his goofiness. I've felt like an idiot since the severity of the situation hit me about two hours after we left Treble in his tour bus, tranquilized like some wild animal. I could have died, or worse. And there I was acting like some foolish schoolgirl with a crush. Porter may have shown some concern for me after the attempted kidnapping, but I was the one that leaned closer and hoped for more. He was the one that pulled away. Every time I even think about the almost kiss, my cheeks flame red and annoyance gnaws in the pit of my stomach. I've decided to chalk it up to the adrenaline running rampant through me, if only I could convince my body not to react every time he walks into the room.

Yah, that'd be great.

Giving up on the prospect of sleep, I make myself a cup of Joe and go outside onto the porch swing. It's dark, so I'm not able to see far but I feel peace in the tranquility of the night. Not much time passes before I hear the door open and close softly and someone joins me on the swing, not leaving a speck of space between our two bodies. I know its Porter. His presence is a force that my body is drawn towards.

He's silent as we swing but I keep peaking glances at him through the corner of my eye. Ultimately, I'm the one to break, "Couldn't sleep?"

"I'm trained to wake up with the slightest noise difference. How can anyone sleep during the fidgeting you've been doing the last few hours?"

"Sorry." I say, but selfishly, I'm not.

"We haven't gotten a chance to talk and I wanted to come see how you are holding up."

"Oh, just peachy. Someone has some unknown vendetta against me and my Dad hasn't called me back in forever, only sending cryptic messages here and there. I think he is avoiding me."

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