Fighter :: Ch. 15

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Photo credit: Marta Syrko. See more @

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I'm not going to sit here and let Treble do this. He's obviously gotten himself involved in some bad crap, but I would have never expected this from him. In order to get him to relax a little bit, I try to appear more compliant, relaxing my muscles and etching concern on my face. "Michael, please! My Dad can help you with whatever it is your going through."

"No! Don't do that nice act. We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Jason out there," I assume he means macho man "is instructed to give you a little happy medicine if you get difficult. He's one of Straton's men and someone you really don't want to mess with."

How could anyone forget about Hercules out there? And there is no way I want any of Treble's crazy pills getting into my system. I've seen what they've made him become. All his musical talent wasted into becoming a junky and getting mixed up with some criminal.

The creep-o from the party is really going above and beyond to get to me. It makes me wonder what he thinks I know. Dang, I really wish I had heard more and then maybe I could have valuable info, instead of running around in the dark for answers.

At least I have a little something to go by now. Treble mentioned 'Straton' wanting me delivered and maybe I could use his name to gain more information. "Who is Staton?" It's not light Treble is the brightest crayon in the box.

A cruel laugh leaves Treble's mouth. "Andros Straton is my boss, along with the boss of anyone else who has any importance in Los Angeles. Not only there but he has his grasp in major cities all over the world. And for some reason, my job is to kidnap you. It's a kill or be killed world out there, baby, and we are all along for the ride."

I think he has officially lost it. My instinct is to back away from the crazy maniac, instead, I attempt to appear nonchalant and stand my ground. "But what would he want with me. I'm a nobody trying to get through high school, not someone with a whole lot of influential powers."

"You don't get to question the boss when he gives you an assingment, you just get it done. But understanding Straton's mind isn't my top priority, just delivering you and getting on with my life. I tried to warn you earlier to get out of town, should have listened while you had the chance."

Just as I'm about to respond the bus starts move and I have a mini freak out. No! I need to get to the front to stall whoever the hell is driving this bus until Porter can get here.

Channeling the few self-defense classes I took from YouTube I move to stomp on Treble's instep, surprisingly he releases his grasp on me and I'm able to use the palm of my hand to jam forcefully into his nose. Blood immediately gushes and the singer cries out in pain. I can't believe this is working. The last step is to knee his family jewels. Down he goes! Good thing I have a good lawyer if he decides to sue! He may need a nose job after this.

I slide the door open to get back to the front. But macho man stops me like a brick wall. "And where do you think you're going?" He looks down at the bleeding and bruised face of Michael and laughs. He frickin laughs! Isn't he supposed to be protecting the rock star from crazy fan girls and, girls like me that have gone crazy due to kidnapping attempts? I'm hoping his laughing means that he is on my side but nope. As soon as I try to move again he tightens his hold on my arm and pulls me to the front where the couch is.

"Looks like you chose the hard way."

Still reeling from adrenaline, I use my foot to kick his shine, "That's right, be-otch!" A look of furry appears on his block-shaped face, making me regret most of my life choices. "Just.. Kidding? I'm sorry! Bad jokes." I shrink back as far as possible, trying to escape his clutch but he advances.

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