Psycho Stalker :: Ch. 5

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*Just in case you missed the new pic of Sadie>^>^>^>^>^>^>^
Photo:: Daria f by MartaSyrko on deviant art

© All rights reserved. 2014. LizzieMarie1313.


The rest of the morning was relatively uneventful. Mrs. Pack introduced me to the class in Geometry and Senora Sanchez made me use the little Spanish I knew to say my name and where I was originally from.

By lunchtime, I was starting to be weighed down by the textbooks and homework from my morning classes since I hadn't visited my locker yet. "Locker number 268, come out, come out wherever you are." With Paisley's help I had successful found all my morning classes, but now I was lost in the twisting halls of Willow Creek High with no idea where to go.

Part of the conduct agreement I had to sign with Mrs. Carrolton said that no cell phones were allowed to be on during school hours, but after five good minutes of searching and no students wandering around the halls anymore, I was just itching to turn it on and text the number Paisley had given me earlier. Maybe she would be able to help my horrible sense of direction.

Another random turn and my back started to spasm from all the weight it was being forced to hold. Squating down to the floor to relieve the load, I finally pulled out my phone and held down the power button to boot up. As soon as the little device came to life it began to buzz with new text alerts. As I begin to read through the multiple alerts, my face pales and my hands start to get clammy.

Unknown sender at 8:45. "Poutana. Where have you disappeared to?"

Unknown sender at 10:15."Don't think you can escape me you little Skata."

Unknown sender at 10:24. "Fun fact: Torturing is my specialty."

Unknown sender at 11:15. "Austin is beautiful this time of year, isn't it, Poutana."

Unknown sender at 11:18. "Keep your mouth shut. I don't have time for this skata."

Holy crap balls.

My Dad was right, the scary man, who's name I still don't know, noticed I was missing from my school in LA. And what's more pressing... he is a flipping psycho stalker! How the hell did he find me? No, no, no. What if he has my Dad?

Pressing my Dad's name under my favorite contact list, I listen to it ring couple of times while I anxiously wait to hear his voice.

"Sadie? Is everything okay, aren't you suppose to be in school right now?"

I sigh as soon as I hear his deep voice. Sinking further into the stable floor, relieved sobs silently rake through me. "Dad?"

"Yea, baby, what is it?"

Opening my mouth, I intended to tell him that the man I'm running from has indeed found me, but I stop myself just before I can spit it out. If I tell my Dad, he would just make me come home and stay locked in the house for the rest of eternity, or until he settles whatever debt he owes. At least right now, I'm a few states and a thousand miles away from the danger. Even if the crazy man knows where I'm at, I still feel safer here than there.

"Nothing, Dad, I just wanted to say... that I miss you."

"Miss you too, baby girl. I've got to go, though. Winters just walked in."

I hang up and wipe lone tear off of my cheek.

With the little braveness I can muster, I respond to the sender, "I don't know what you're talking about." Maybe playing dumb will get him to leave me alone. I quickly toss the device back into my backpack almost as if I'm afraid it will bite me if I continue to hold.

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