031. (half-narration)

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"three minutes till the fan meeting starts!" one of the staffs yelled, all of them buzzing around as they did final preparations.

for half an hour, i've been going outside in full disguise, trying to scan the audience for any signs of her. so far, i haven't even seen her shadow. and i'm going insane.

"still hoping she'd come?" jihoon suddenly appeared from right beside me, making me yelp in surprise.

"yah," i glared. "don't surprise me like that. and who's she? what i'm not looking for anybody." i feigned ignorance, avoiding his eye contact.

jihoon scoffed, obviously unconvinced with the little act i put on. "i know you're waiting for mina. but we have to start soon, get prepared or jisung hyung will notice something odd." he said.

i bit my bottom lip and stifled a frown. i felt my chest tighten a little bit, making me wince for the sudden wave of sadness washing over me.

jihoon started to walk and i followed him from behind, my head laid low as i try to gulp back the sadness so that the other members won't notice it. but it was just hard to fake a smile when i'm really disappointed and frustrated.

what have i done? what made mina suddenly back out from coming?

was it something i said? or something i never did?

jihoon noticed that i still have the frown on my lips and he slung an arm around my shoulder, patting my arm. "yah, if you wanted to see her so bad you should've told her. honesty won't hurt, you know. you're keeping it in and now you're hurting."

"i... i just don't want to be attached to her." i mumbled.

"you already are. can't you see? you can't even barely smile because she isn't around."

i grumbled. jihoon was right. how can i avoid attachment when she's already had a hold on my heart?

i take out my phone and tapped on my inbox, opening our messages. in a leap of courage, i've typed the messages i've failed to send because i've been a coward.

Daniel: mina

Daniel: i dont know what i did or what i said

Daniel: but im sorry either way

Daniel: i really want to see you, mina

Daniel: i've honestly been awaiting it. more than i anticipate the event

Daniel: you know me, you call me heartbreaker and all bc i dont want to get attached to you

Daniel: but i am. just wasnt aware of it

Daniel: and now im incredibly sad bc i cant see you this day. the day i've been waiting for

Daniel: so pls show up, eo? even if you dont wear a skirt or you dont take a bath or whatever

Daniel: i still accept you for who you are

Daniel: and...

Daniel: okay wtf i wasnt planning to say this

Daniel: but knowing youre a byuntae this might convince you to come...

Daniel: daddy wants to see you, baby girl

Daniel: asihadsuashs i sAID IT

Daniel: pls bathe me with holy water oh god

Daniel: bye gtg

Daniel: i really hope i'd see you later


finally daniel g0sh

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