056. (narration)

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"niel! my butt is having cramps!" seongwoo hyung whine from beside me. i can't count how many times he had whined already, and i was afraid we'd get caught, but luckily mina seemed to be a bit of deaf for not hearing our nearby noises.

"visual god hyung, how many times should i tell you... shut up?" i mumbled annoyingly, hitting his arm playfully. he only whined even more.

we were currently squatting at mina's balcony, right in front of her room. as to how we got up here, it was a long story (that includes me constantly dragging seongwoo around all the time). we were currently facing mina's back as she was writing something on her study desk. we've been here for almost half an hour, and it was almost noon, but mina hasn't still eaten.

"see, she's not eating." i grumbled, trying to duck behind the potted plant everytime mina turns her head.

"what if she just eats late, niel? what, we're going to wait here for hours until she eats?" seongwoo whined once more.

i frowned and let out a deep sigh. "she normally eats a lot whenever, wherever. look, it even looks like she has lost a lot of weight. i can't stand seeing this hyung."

"then go to her, why are we hiding behind a plant?" he said.

i pondered over it for a while and shook my head. "what if the sasaengs take pictures of this again? i don't want her in deeper shit, hyung."

"and here we are like spies hiding in her balcony. don't you think that would look weirder for sasaengs?" he said with sassed. i hit his arm once again.

"shall we leave then?" i said sarcastically.

"let me ask jihoon, he has that weird girlfriend of his who knows a lot too, right?" seongwoo took out his phone and typed his message. we continued squatting as we waited for jihoon's reply.

unfortunately, pabo hyung forgot to silent his phone. as soon as we got jihoon's reply, his phone notifcation rang, causing both of our heads and mina's to turn towards where the sound came from.

my heartbeat was rapidly increasing. i didn't dare to lift my head up, but i was already hearing mina's footsteps heading towards our direction. i gulped and squeezed my eyes closed.

seongwoo scooted closer to me and whispered, "jihoon said there's no other people but us around this area. we're safe."

i let out a deep sigh and opened my eyes again. about time.

out of the sudden leap of faith, i stood up and faced the girl who has stolen my heart.

and i didn't expect to see a slipper coming right at my face.

byuntae [kang daniel]Where stories live. Discover now