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Seongwoo: niel!!

Daniel: sup hyung

Daniel: visual god*

Seongwoo: well, your visual god has done his job ;)

Seongwoo: she's eating well niel

Daniel: are u sure?

Daniel: what if she's just bluffing?


Seongwoo: we're just texting it's not like we're seeing eye to eye -_-

Daniel: eye to eye...

Daniel: visual god hyung, are u up to something crazy?


Seongwoo: but what what do u mean by that??

Daniel: hyung, let's sneak out

Seongwoo: wHAT THE FU-- FUN

Seongwoo: do u want to die early niel??

Daniel: come on, visual god hyung

Daniel: we'll be on disguise

Daniel: we're just gonna spy on mina to check if she's well, y know?

Seongwoo: what the

Seongwoo: niel you're even crazier than jaehwan right now!

Daniel: i don't care hyung!

Daniel: i love her, and even if i get in trouble

Daniel: i'll go on any trouble if it means seeing her!

Daniel: even from afar...

Daniel: hyung, i'm inlove with her

Daniel: do you know how has it been so hard for me?

Seongwoo: call me a visual god for a week

Daniel: what?

Seongwoo: and do my chores too

Daniel: hyung i don't understand

Seongwoo: u pabo

Seongwoo: it's me agreeing to sneak out with u, okay?

Seongwoo: euimin ftw!!!

Daniel: why does that sound like a cat's name

Daniel: but anyways, thank you hyung thank you so much!!

Seongwoo: hyung?

Daniel: visual god hyung*

Daniel: im so happy aAAAAAA THANK YOU!

Seongwoo: oh niel. u dont know what u've gotten urself into../cleared


sorry for being unable to update this week, i've been through.. shit hehe. so das all enjoy this update bc boomerang 2morrow whOoOP whoop

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