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Mina: eonnie...

Mina: jisung texted me

Mina: YOON jisung

Mina: and...

Mina: he told me to stop texting daniel...

Mina: i'm ruining his life eonnie. jisung was right.

Mina: maybe i should do what he said.

Mina: after all, daniel's feelings for me aren't deep right?

Mina: but mine is/cleared

Mina: so yeah. guess i have to move on.

Mina: sighs.

Mina: eonnie it hurts so so much :(

Obsessed: oh, mina...

Obsessed: i'm so sorry i dragged you into this...

Mina: it's okay eonnie. it was my choice anyway

Mina: i'm still grateful i met daniel, even if it was just a few days

Obsessed: we'll be okay mina.

Obsessed: i hope so.

Obsessed: but we can do it, yeah?

Mina: yeah...

Mina: guess have to... start forgetting.

Mina: thank you eonnie.

Obsessed: no problem, mina.


i havent updated for a month... IASJAISUHAIASS im so so sorry i got so busy in school iasdjsdi thank god we just finished our exam week (a.k.a hell week) so yES GOOD I HOPE 2 RETURN 2 MY REGULAR UPDATING SCHED LMAO ENJOY THESE UPDATESZ

byuntae [kang daniel]Where stories live. Discover now