032. (narration)

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i really hope i'd see you later.

a grin appeared on my lips, and in a flash, i was inside the bathroom with a towel i snatched from somewhere.

i was never really the type to prepare, but for daniel, i really was willing too. too bad i only have a small amount of time so i had to do what i do best - get prepared and dressed in ten minutes (an effective school strategy especially when it's exams).

i was bolting around my room right after the very quick bath. a pink shirt that hugged my curves well (i didn't know i even had curves) i would've never worn if it wasn't for the event. the skirt, a white one reaching only above my knees, i bought three days before the fan meeting. and sneakers.

don't judge me. i don't have any other footwear besides sneakers and slippers. damn i forgot to buy some decent sandals.

i hit my ten-minute mark and was off to the streets in record time, literally galloping towards the bus stop and luckily on time to get on a bus that just arrived.

pyeongchang was still twenty minutes away and i was restless. the fan meeting was only running for an hour and a half and i already missed that half hour. i grumbled and held on my seat well.

i reached for my pocket to send a message to daniel, but to my horror, i only pulled out my wallet from my pocket.

"shit! out of all things i could forget, i forgot my phone! damn it!" i cursed, grabbing my hair strands in frustration as i wailed in my seat.

how was i supposed to tell daniel now that i was on my way? he'd really think that i won't show up.

still restless, i stared out the window as the twenty minutes seemed longer than it was. i was biting my lip the whole ride so hard that i was afraid blood would come out.

finally, i arrived in the destination, and practically jumped off the bus and raced to get a cab.

another ten minutes to the event proper. i already lost fifty minutes, damn.

again i was restless. i pulled out my ticket from my wallet and the cab fare so that i would be off as soon as the cab reaches the venue.

and as it did, i almost threw the money right at the driver, said my apologies, and raced into the building.

i have to thank daniel later. i've never had an exercise like this my whole life. i think my legs haven't even ran this fast before.

to my dismay, there was still a long line before i can get in. a list of curse words ran into my head. i didn't know what to do. an hour gone. half left. daniel must've lost hope by now.

the line gets shorter and shorter, and one by one people in front of me started to disappear into the venue. by the time it was my turn in the line, i could already hear music blaring. it's their performance already. i can't believe i missed 80% of the show.

out of adrenaline and a disoriented mindset, i ran inside, spread my arms wide, and yelled as if i'm home.

"daniel i'm here!" i shamelessly shouted through the music.

as i shouted, coincidentally the music has stopped for transition, so it was only the screams left. and those screams suddenly silenced as they all turned to me.

the shame finally gets to me. and right at the moment, i wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. what a good first impression i give to wanna one, really.

but despite the sweat, short breaths, and huge embarrassment that was gracing my existence as of the moment, suddenly it all ceased to matter.

i met daniel's eyes and locked in stare with him. cheesy, yes, but my whole world suddenly silenced and stopped turning.

right then and there, i was lost in his eyes; fell into its depth.

and i wouldn't want it any other way.


dayum mina got some voice that could silence a whole crowd hA

byuntae [kang daniel]Where stories live. Discover now