034. (narration)

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"i'm too young for this." jinyoung said from behind, and all of us laughed. "let's go, jihyun. i promised to show you my album collection of kpop groups, right?"

"yes! my favorite song so far is day 6's missing you!" the over-enthusiastic girl who must be jihyun said. i heard the black-haired girl groan from beside her.

"i'm disowning you. i don't know her." she said. i can hear guanlin chuckling. "let's go eat linlin. i'm hungry."

as one by one seemed to have left the room, jihoon sighed. "guess i have to get going. i don't want to interrupt you from your, well, intimate moment." jihoon said, making daniel laugh. i can feel his chest vibrate as he does so. and with that, we two were left alone in this room.

i pulled away from the hug and faced him, although my face was probably beet red. "okay first of all, isn't missing you btob's song, and not day 6's?" i asked.

daniel chuckled, his no-eyes smile showing up again. "that's jihyun. and she always get kpop facts wrong."

"oh." i nodded, letting that weird happening slide. his cologne wafted into my nose again and i shyly smiled, remembering the sudden hug. "were you really that happy to see me?"

"of course." daniel said, looking straight into my eyes as he took my hands into his. wow, he's got some big hands. "and oh, you wore skirt. me likey." he winked once more.

"you byuntae." i mocked, rolling my eyes. but deep inside i was rejoicing. he anticipated my presence and even liked my skirt! good thing he didn't notice that i hadn't washed my hair, that would be embarrassing.

"mina?" he asked. i looked at him once again and raised an eyebrow. "i know there's going to be a lot of hindrance to whatever we have, and it's special for me, but it's gonna be hard. but... i want you to know that i... that i..."

"i like you." i said it first before he can. his eyes bulged out, taken aback by what i have suddenly said.

"y-you do? i thought you're just-"

"i'm messing with you? that i'm just a byuntae? yah, do you think i'd run for my miles and buy a skirt for nothing? i admit, at first it's all just me asking for your attention. but when you haven't talked to me for four days, i've realized something. that i wanted to talk to you everyday. that you make me smile. that you make my heart leap in all the right reasons. kang daniel, the harry pote to my gryffindor, the cat lover of my life – i like you. and i just want you to know even if you don't like me back."

wow, that was long. i even panted right after. i said all of that while managing to keep my eyes on his brown ones, not once hesitating with the words coming right out my lips.

surprisingly, i see the tint of red on daniel's cheeks. i admit it made me grin triumphantly to see i've had an effect on him as much as he has on me.

"m-mina... yah! i was supposed to be the one saying cheesy stuffs, why are you... why are you making my heart pound like this? shit i sound so gay." he grumbled, unable to meet my eyes.

i chuckled, intertwining our fingers as he still held my hands. hey, got to take the opportunity. you'll never know when you can hold kang daniel's hands.

"i like you too." he suddenly blurted out, but i saw the sincerity behind his eyes. i was smiling calmly, but deep inside, i was probably dancing gashina and jumping around like i was on a sugar high.

i thought this day couldn't get better.

right until he leaned in and laid a gentle kiss on my forehead.


wow this was long. sorry for the narration chapters, i know this was an epistolary but i cant let this moment pass oKE

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