"Calling in Sick, Isn't going to Help"

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Next morning....

"Lance, time to wake up buddy." Cathy gently shook the little kid awake.

The little boy suddenly jumped out of bed, scaring Cathy in the process.

"Is Mac here?" Lance asked excitedly.

Cathy laughed.

"No, he's not."

The little boy frowned.

"He may be over sometime today though." Cathy smiled.

Lance smiled as well.

"Go get dressed, I'll start making breakfast for you."

Lance ran to Cathy's room and closed the door.

"I wish I had that much energy." Cathy said to herself and smiled.


"Lance, be careful please!" Cathy was watching the little boy climb a small tree in her backyard.

Her phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Cathy answered.

"Cathy," Mac started, "why aren't you at work?"

"I called in sick," Cathy coughed away from the phone.

"Sick?" Mac sounded curious.


"You know, calling in sick isn't going to help." Mac said.

Cathy sighed.

"How did you know I was lying?"

"I can tell by the way you're speaking to me, you don't sound sick,"

"I can't bring Lance with me to work, what am I supposed to do Mac?"

There was silence for a few seconds.

"Bring Lance with you." Mac said.

"Mac," Cathy said flatly, "Did you not hear me? I can't bring him to work, Matty would be upset."

"It'll be fine, trust me." Mac hung up.

Cathy sighed, frustrated.

"Hey Lance." Cathy called out.


"You wanna go see Mac and my friends?" Cathy smiled.

The little boy smiled and crawled down the tree.

"Get your shoes on." Cathy said as the two went inside her house.


"He's with me, don't worry." Cathy said to one of the security guards.

They surprisingly let her pass.

"Hold my hand Lance, can't have you getting lost."

Lance wrapped his small fingers over Cathy's.

Cathy and Lance entered a room where she knew she'd find Bozer.

"Mac!" Lance let go of Cathy's hand and ran up to Mac. He surprised him with a hug.

"Hey Lance." Mac smiled and ruffled the little boys hair.

"Cathy," Bozer started staring at the little boy, "is that-"

"No, he's my friends son." Cathy smiled.

Bozer nodded his head and went back to work.

"Mac, Lance really likes science, why don't you show him a few of your tricks". Cathy smiled.

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