Bar Fight

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"Let's go somewhere fun tonight." Cathy said. "I wanna get out once in a while."

"I think I have just the place." Jack smiled.


"Really," Cathy looked at the bar in front of her, "your idea of fun is now a bar?"

Jack shrugged his shoulders and began to walk inside.

Cathy looked over towards her friend.

"Gabby," Cathy started, "Lance will be fine, he's got Zack watching him. You just needed to get out, I could see it."

"I'm a mother Cathy," Gabby looked over towards her friend, "I have to worry."

Cathy chuckled and walked inside with Gabby.


The outside of the bar, looked pretty clean, but the inside, oh god.

"Jack," Cathy looked at the people who were staring at them, "Are you sure this is the bar you were talking about?"

Jack scoffed and sat at the bar.

"Of course."

"Everyone in here looks like they wanna kill us." Gabby whispered.

"That's how it's always been." A man cleaning a glass smiled at Jack.

"What's up Jack? Long time no see." The man smiled.

"Nothing much Randy, how's it been here?"

Cathy looked over towards an empty pool table.

"Anyone wanna play some pool?" Cathy asked. Everyone but Jack, stood up.


Everyone was playing pool, except Jack.

Cathy held her stick up against her side and leaned on it slightly.

"I hate the looks I'm getting." Riley muttered as she hit the "3" ball into the top left side pocket.

Cathy chuckled.

"They're giving you looks because of what you're wearing."

Riley looked down at her clothes.

"That would explain it."

A tall, well built man in a black leather jacket came over towards Cathy.

"Can I help you with something?" Cathy asked.

The man smiled down at her.

"You can help me by giving me your number."

Cathy laughed and shook her head.

"Sorry, But you're not really my type."

The man kept his smile on his lips. He slowly moved closer to Cathy. His hands went onto her hips. But Cathy quickly smacked them off.

"Don't touch me." Cathy glared at the man.

"Come on baby," the man made another move, but was stopped.

"She said you're not her type," Mac let go of the man's arm, "I suggest you back off."

The man towered over MacGyver.

"And what are you going to do about it?"

Cathy walked around the man and took Mac's arm.

"Come on Mac, it's not worth it."

Mac huffed and began to walk away with Cathy.

As Cathy began to walk away with Mac, the man had given her a cat call and slapped her butt.

Cathy couldn't even tell the man to "fuck off," for Mac was already beating the shit out of him.

Soon, everyone in the bar began to stand and fight.

"Riley!" Cathy looked over towards her and Gabby, "we need to get out of here, now!"

"I'll take Gabby with me," Riley said as the two headed out the door. Cathy began to make her way through the crowd when a hand had grabbed her shirt collar, and yanked her back. Cathy stumbled and fell on the floor.

"Don't you know when a woman isn't interested?" Cathy stood up and looked up at the tall man.

He growled and went to punch her. Cathy just barely missed his fist and fell over a broken bar stool. She grabbed the stool and threw it as hard as she could at the man. This, had knocked him out. Cathy stood up and tilted her head to the side.

"Huh, a man so built, yet so weak." Just then, Jack fell on top of Cathy.

"What the hell Jack?" Cathy exclaimed as she pushed the man off of her.

"I'm trying to get Mac, he hasn't stopped."

Cathy looked through the crowd for Mac, she saw him beating the crap out of another man.

Cathy quickly tried her best to run over to him and grabbed his arm.

"Mac! Mac stop! That's enough!"

Mac stopped his fist from falling onto the man's face. Everyone else in the bar stopped as well.

"Let's go home, ok?" Cathy moved Mac's chin so he was looking at her.

Mac sighed and brushed himself off. Then, the group headed out of the bar and into their cars.

Nobody spoke on the way back home.

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