Burning House

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The team ended up somewhere near Iraq. The town was in ruins. Buildings where crushed to pieces. Smoke filled the area. Luckily, the team also had back up.

"I have a very bad feeling about this." Cathy said as the group surveyed the area.

"Just Keep you're eyes open." Jack said.

Something quick moved to the left side of Cathy's eyesight. She stopped and pointed her gun in that direction.

"What is it?" One of the men asked.

"Shhh!" Cathy gave the man a dirty look.

Something metallic hit a wall. Cathy moved her gun to point at the wall. The laser was pointed towards a child.

Cathy sighed and pointed her gun down.

"False alarm, it's just a kid."

The small child ran away.

"Let's keep moving." Mac said to the group.

As the group continued to walk, the sun began to set.

"We're heading into the 'danger zone' now." Mac said to the group, "be careful."

Everyone nodded their heads and continued on.

"Group A," Cathy started, "will go right, and group B will go left. We're gonna run into a lot of hell out there boys," Cathy's eyes locked with Mac's, "let's be careful out there."

They nodded their heads and went in separate directions.

"Anyone got anything?" Jack whispered into his earpiece.

"Negative." One man replied.

"I got nothing." Another man said.

"Let's go in." Cathy tapped Jacks shoulder.

Jack opened the door quietly, and they walked in.

The room was deathly quiet. All you could hear was the wind outside.

"Clear." One man whispered into his earpiece.

"Clear." Another replied.

Cathy, Mac and Jack walked into another large room.

"Is this some sort of hotel?" Cathy asked.

"Might be a hiding spot for something." Jack said.

The floorboards creaked. But Cathy didn't hear it. Footsteps began to walk slowly, then they picked up the pace.

A man jumped on Cathy and brought her down to the ground.

"What the hell?!" Cathy exclaimed as she was attacked.

The man pulled out a knife, no, more like a machete. This caused Cathy's eyes to go wide.

"Uh, no!" Cathy pushed the man off of her and quickly grabbed the machete out of his hands. She used the butt of the handle to knock the man out.

She moved her hair out of her face and turned to look at Mac and Jack.


Both Mac and Jack blinked.

"Nothing, Nothing." Both said in unison.

Gunshots were heard outside.

"Let's go." Jack said, the group headed outside to help.

Bullets wizzed by their heads. Shouts were heard. Shots were fired. Everything seemed to happen so fast. Soon, Mac, Jack and Cathy were trapped inside a house fighting for their life.

"I'm out!" Cathy yelled.

"I'm almost out!" Jack yelled as he fired a few more rounds at the terrorists.

"Mac, if you could find a way out of here, that would be nice." Cathy yelled over the gunshots.

"Wait, do you smell that?" Jack asked as he sniffed the air.

"They're gonna burn us out!" Cathy stood up straight.

Suddenly, A bottle was thrown through the window. It shattered, spiting fire all over the place.

"This place is gonna go up quick." Jack said. "We gotta move, now!"

The three went to leave the house. But the flames blocked their exit.

"Crap!" Cathy muttered.

The three moved back.

"There's gotta be a way outta here man!" Jack slung his gun over his shoulder and searched for a way out.

"Mac," Cathy looked at him as he was doing his thing, "is that going to get us out of here?"

"It should." Mac said as he began the finishing touches.

"Mac, we won't be needing that anyway." Jack smiled as he looked at a hidden door in the floor.

Mac laughed and stood up.

"You ruined my fun." Mac joked.

A loud creak was heard. The small beam above Mac had broken loose and began to fall towards him.

"Mac look out!" Cathy shoved Mac out of the way. The beam crashed down onto her.

"Cathy!" Mac yelled. He scrambled to get up. "Jack help me get this off of her!"

Jack ran over to the other side of the beam and lifted it off of Cathy. Mac then dragged Cathy out of its way.

"Cathy!" Mac held the unconscious girl in his arms, "Cathy, can you hear me?"

Cathy slightly moved. And that was it.

"Let's get out of here." Jack motioned for Mac to go down the steps.


Cathy woke up in a strange room. Something was wrapped tight around her head. Her fingers lightly touched the wrapping. A shock of pain was sent to her brain.

"Ahh!" Cathy groaned through gritted teeth. She sat up and lightly clutched her head with her hands.

"How are you doing?" A familiar voice asked.

Cathy looked up. Her eyes landed on Mac.

"What happened?" Cathy asked.

"A beam came down, you pushed me out of the way and took the hit." Mac walked towards Cathy's bedside. "You could've died, Cathy."

"And you could've died too Mac. It was either you or me. And I chose me."

Mac sighed and smiled.

"You're so lucky I saved your ass." Cathy smiled.

"Am I though?" Mac joked.

Cathy laughed. Then she clutched her stomach.

"Don't make me laugh," Cathy tried to stop herself from laughing, "it hurts."

Mac laughed.

"You truly are something Cathy." Mac smiled.

"Suck up." Cathy smiled.

Mac pulled up a chair to Cathy's bedside. They talked the whole day away.


By the way, I put the song "Burning House" by Cam, because A, I felt like it went with the chapter, and B, I love this song a lot! Thank you for reading this book! I hope you guys are liking it! ❤️

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