A Safe place, Now Destroyed

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"Mac!" Cathy called from the car, "let's go slow poke."

Mac jogged to his car and got into the drivers seat. Then he started the car.


"So..." Mac focused on the road, "who's teaching you?"

"Teaching me to do what exactly?" Cathy cocked a brow.

"To use a gun." Mac said.

"I took lessons back then." Cathy relaxed in her seat.

Mac shook his head and laughed.

"What?" Cathy asked confused.

"There's no way, someone taught you to use a gun like that."

"I don't want to talk about it, now." Cathy said quietly.

"When then?" Mac asked.

"When I'm ready too." Cathy looked out the window.

Mac pulled into Cathy's driveway.

"Cathy," Mac said, "Did you by any chance leave your front door open?"

Cathy looked toward her house. She quickly unbuckled herself, and jumped out of the car.

"No no no no no no," Cathy said as she ran inside her house. Cathy stopped in her tracks. Her house was completely destroyed.

"Cathy." Mac had his arms crossed.

"Alright!" Cathy sighed, "I'll tell you."

"I stole something from this man along time ago, it wasn't his, it wasn't mine. I stole it to give it back to its rightful owner. Apparently, he thinks I still have it."

"But, wouldn't he know that you gave it back to its owner?" Mac asked.

"So, Someone, came back for something else." Cathy said quietly. "But, I don't have anything that's valuable. If I did, I probably sold it already."

"Unless...." Mac thought out loud, "it's not anything you have, it's something I have."

"I'm confused." Cathy said flatly.

"They must've thought I would hide whatever they're looking for here."

"Well," Cathy sighed sadly, "I'll have to rent a hotel or something, I obviously can't sleep here." Cathy kicked a broken piece of wood away from her.

"You can stay at my house." Mac offered.

"Really? Are you sure you want me at your house?"

"Just, get in the car." Mac laughed.


"Mac, what took you so lon-" Bozer stopped to stare at Cathy.

"Hey Cathy." Bozer slightly waved.

"Hey Boze," Cathy waved back, "I'm gonna set my stuff in your room for now," Cathy said to Mac, "I'll move it later." Cathy walked towards Mac's bedroom.

"Why's she here?" Bozer asked with a small smile on his face.

"Her house was broken into, ransacked. So she's staying here for awhile."

"Ok." Bozer kept the smile on his lips.

"Ok, seriously," Mac got upset, "I already have Jack doing this to me, I don't need you too."

"What's Jack doing?" Cathy asked behind Mac.

"Nothing." Both Mac and Bozer said in unison.

"How's Lance by the way?" Mac asked.

"He's ok, doctors said it was his appendix that caused him to pass out. He couldn't take that much pain."

"Well, at least he's ok." Mac smiled softly.

"Yeah." Cathy sighed.

"Well, I think I'm just gonna go to bed." Cathy yawned. "Night." She walked back to Mac's room and closed the door.

"Mac," Bozer called to his friend, "yo, earth to MacGyver."

"What?" Mac asked.

"You were staring." Bozer smiled.

"You know what, I'm going to bed, night Bozer." Mac left the living room.

Bozer shook his head and laughed.


Cathy laid in Mac's bed, wide awake and staring at the ceiling. She sighed and took off the covers and walked quietly out of the room. Cathy placed her hands on the sliding glass door and opened it. She stepped out onto the patio and closed the door behind her. Cathy walked towards the railing and rested her arms on it. The city looked beautiful lit up at night.

"Can't sleep?" Mac said behind her.

Cathy sighed and turned around.


"I can't either." Mac scratched his head. He walked towards the fire pit and sat down. He patted the spot next to him.

Cathy smiled and sat down next to Mac.

"Do you ever get bothered by the sound of silence?" Cathy asked.

"Sometimes." Mac replied.

Cathy's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" Cathy answered. "Gabby, what are you doing up so early?" Cathy stood up and walked over to the railing. "He's awake, yeah I can hear him." Cathy looked at a confused MacGyver. "Lance." Cathy said. Mac nodded his head. "Why's Lance up so early? He does?" Cathy looked at Mac. "Lance wants to talk to you." Cathy walked over to Mac and gave him the phone.

"Hey Lance." Mac smiled, "how are you feeling? That's good. I miss you too buddy," Mac chuckled, "bye Lance." Mac handed the phone back to Cathy.

"Gabby, you need to rest. I know, I know, but you need to sleep." Cathy laughed. "Go to bed, Lance will be fine. I love you too. Night Gabby." Cathy hung up the phone and placed it back into her pocket.

"What time is it?" Cathy asked.

"It's 2:37 in the morning." Mac replied.

Cathy sighed.

"What?" Mac asked.

"We have to work tomorrow."

"We always have to work." Mac looked at Cathy, "unless, we have a miracle, and we get the day off."

"That would be nice." Cathy laughed.

"Hey, you've only been here for a few weeks." Mac laughed.

"I feel like I've been here for months." Cathy joked.

"You sound like Jack sometimes." Mac laughed.

"I feel like I'm becoming the man." Cathy laughed.

"Hey," Bozer said from the open door, "what have you two been doing out here?"

"Talking." Both Mac and Cathy said in unison.

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