A Surprise Visitor

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It was 6:30 in the morning. Mac was up doing his usual stuff. He was working on another missile, when a knock was heard at his door.

Mac walked towards the front door and opened it. Anger bubbled up inside of him. Mac stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

"What are you doing here Danny?"

"Just wanted to see how Cathy was doing." Danny smirked.

Mac quickly grabbed Danny by the shirt collar and shoved him against the wall.

"I swear," Mac's voice was cold, "if you ever hurt Cathy, I'll find you, and make sure you wind up in a coma."

Danny laughed.

"You think I'm afraid of you? I mean, who is?"

"You stay away from her, understand?" Mac glared daggers at Danny.

"I will, for now." Danny shoved Mac off of him, "but I won't stop until I have her back." Danny walked down the steps to the driveway. "See you soon MacGyver."

Mac watched as Danny left. Then, he headed back inside. He was greeted by Cathy. She stood in front of him with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Who was that?" Cathy asked.

"No one." Mac rubbed his neck and tried to walk past Cathy. She grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Who was it Mac?" Cathy asked again.

Mac sighed.

"It was your ex, Danny."

"This is what happens every single time I..." Cathy stopped, she realized she was talking out loud.

"Every time you what?" Mac raised a brow.

Cathy looked at Mac and slightly shook her head.

"Never mind." Cathy walked towards the kitchen and made herself some breakfast.


"There he is!" Jack smiled as Mac walked into the room. "How is she?"

"She's fine, Jack." Mac smiled.

A little bit later, Cathy walked into the room.

"Sorry, I'm a little late. I must've slept in or something." Cathy rubbed her eyes.

Matty walked in and pressed the screen. A video of a terrorist group came up. Civilians were running away from gun fire. Some were gunned down. The terrorists were even burning down buildings.

"Who are they?" Cathy asked.

Matty sighed.

"That's a problem, we don't know who they are. All we know is that they're a terrorist group that needs to be stopped."

"Let me guess," Jack stepped forward, "they stole some weapons that need to be taken back?"

"Yes." Matty looked at Jack. "And you're just the team that can do that."

Cathy watched the screen as a father was gunned down in front of his family.

"When do we leave?" Cathy asked.

Matty turned to Cathy.

"Right now actually." Matty looked at the group. "Now, these people are dangerous. You need to be extra careful around them. They go in groups. So, I expect you to go in groups as well."

"Yes ma'am." Bozer nodded.

"Good luck." Matty said and walked out of the room.

Jack blinked.

"Did she just say, good luck?"

Mac laughed and patted Jacks shoulder. Soon, everyone was heading out of the room and getting ready.

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