Chapter - 7

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This chap is dedicated to @Khrlover who has been a very big supported of my HxH fanfic and is the sweetest coolest chick ever!! Heres to you...


We are finally on our way to the place, comparable to the depths of hell, where our friend lies and where the souls of my people continue to be tortured. The Jet seems to be crawling its way through the skies, or maybe it is that time seems to be slower because I am the only one awake.

Aside from Amane, the others have all fallen asleep. Pokkle and Ponzu are resting together at the end of the seating closer to the other side where Canary is. Leorio is stretched out on the floor while Kalluto is sleeping, well I think he is sleeping, in a perfect upright position. Kyra has fallen asleep on my shoulder and Milly is also sleeping upright but she has Gon resting on one knee and Alluka on the other. I’m going to have to keep an eye on her and Gon from now on; that is if I could. 

I wont, however, be able to stay with them. I have catered to my delusion of peaceful home life long enough. I know I have to move on and leave them to carry on as well. This is what Kyra and I discussed that day when we went into the woods and didn’t return for hours.

She and I decided together that I should leave Milly in the care of Ms. Mito and Grandma and Gon. We decided that I should disappear for a while, if not forever. I need to reclaim the eyes of my people and to do that I cant have anyone else tagging along. 

But the real reason I have to leave is because after Kyra’s death she doesn’t want Milly carrying on with me. She is afraid that she will inherit my bad blood and thirst for revenge. And I agree. I can feel myself slipping into that dark place again, and I don’t want Milly anywhere near me when I fall.

What I fear most is that I will have to leave sooner than we thought. I can just tell by the way Kyra is behaving and by the look in her eye that her condition is degrading faster than we anticipated. Her literal fever is raging and her body grows increasingly weak and dehydrated every day. She may not even last through the stress of our mission.

But regardless of all of this, our mission will succeed. That is the other issue we discussed, our mission to find Killua. I remember Kyra’s exact words, “Milly is right, it was selfish of me to hide this from both of you. But I can see in her that I am not the most important person in her life anymore, we have grown apart. Once I am gone I want her to have someone there to hold her and care for her. So I want you to do whatever it takes to get Killua back. He went above and beyond and farther then I could ever repay him for, and I have never even met him. But you. bring. Him. Home, for her.” 

‘Do whatever it takes.’ Those words echo through my mind and have been for hours now the whole time the others have been resting. I had a thought come into my head, a thought that wasn’t very pleasant. Though there are many people here, strong devoted people who will most definitely do whats necessary, there is one person I think will be crucial to the success of our mission.

Just then Canary stands up and walks silently toward the cockpit, I cant hear her footsteps even on the hollow metal flooring. It reminds me of the way Killua walks, and even Milly to some extent. Canary enters the cockpit and soon after Gotoh comes out. He too walks inaudibly across the floor and rest upright at the end of the aisle. We have been flying for nearly 12 hours straight I can imagine even he gets tired eventually. I wonder if we will ever need to land and refuel. It seems doubtful since Gotoh didn’t mention anything about it beforehand. That means if I am going to make the call I will have to wait until Milly is awake and can use her ability on the jet’s console.

A couple more hours pass before the others begin to wake up. Gon is the first to open his eyes. He sits up slowly then lets out a big yawn. Milly seems relatively undisturbed by his movement in fact I think she is sleeping deeper than Leorio who is still passed out on the floor. I would have assumed that she and Gon in particular would be on edge and full of anticipation during our trip, but they seem to be the calmest. Perhaps they are trying to conserve their strength until the last moment, or they are trying to stay calm in order to avoid losing control. Regardless it is admirable.

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