Chapter 3

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[Author’s Note:] Same as last chapter(s), lots of errors and some contradictions thrown in for good measure. I own all of this (whether I like it or not, haha). If you’re reading, good luck and you have been warned.

Chapter 3 Abandoned:

Madeline sat straight up with a sudden loud gasp. The surrounding area was pitch black and cold. She struggled to get up but couldn’t move either her arms or her legs. Her arms were tied at the wrist, while her legs… She couldn’t feel her legs. The thought of her being paralyzed from the waist down made her feel so constricted that her breath caught in her chest.

Madeline couldn’t breathe. She could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she struggled for air. Each intake of sweet oxygen got more caught in her lungs until she started to choke on her own breath.

Black spots were starting to appear on the edge of her vision, she could feel a certain content come upon her as the black was on the verge of taking over her entire being. Madeline choked again, and then stopped trying.

It was the quiet that followed, as her eyes closed and she stopped breathing, which provoked Oscar Sterling into turning on the lights.

He rushed in through the door. He cursed at her horrific bad timing as he untied her wrists.

“Fuck,” he grunted. Madeline had several layers underneath her skirt which made her heavier, causing Oscar to stumble as he tried to support her weight against him.

Finally, his weak muscles protested enough that he decided to just drop her. The side of her head smacked against the concrete floor and bounced. It reminded him of a slightly deflated soccer ball. Grabbing her soiled sock-enclosed calves, Oscar dragged her towards the door.

The lights flickered against the rough wood walls and dirty floor; the pale light made Madeline’s features stand out harshly in a sick manner. Oscar had never seen a more beautiful girl. If only he had more time before they came for her.

It was in that harsh light, roughly two hours later (not that she knew that) that Madeline awoke. Cold freezing water hit her face again and she opened her mouth in a silent gasp. Her eyes blinked out moisture as the uncomfortable feeling of cold liquid rushing and trickling down her back and into her bra became very apparent.

“St-stop!” She managed to scream as the bucket rose up again. It stopped mid-throw and again she was drenched. Her dress, she thought in the back of her mind, had a printed design on it that was not supposed to get wet on any circumstances. Dry clean only and even then it was risky.

The thought of her ruined dress, a one of a kind, made Madeline forget about the situation she was in.

“How dare you?!” She yelled, “This is from Mai Mai’s signature Summer Collection! The prints were all painted on by hand, water will ruin it! And you have just poured water all over it!”

She struggled to stand up, again not noticing the rope binding her wrists behind her back. Her eyes were narrowed into a glare as she stared daggers at the lanky man behind the bucket. “This dress cost well over six thousand, and I hope you know that you are going to be paying much more for the damage you have inflicted!”

The man smirked slightly at her behavior. The wet water had drenched her, making her clothes stick to her like a second skin, and to say the least her body was beyond amazing.

She squirmed against the wood beam, “w-why am I tied up?”

His dark eyes reflected a certain gleam in them; she knew something wasn’t right with him. He set down the bucket and stood up straight. A tall man, he looked like the bums she sometimes saw in the further than down downtown areas. She didn’t go there often.

His whole being seemed to radiate an unsafe feeling towards her. He wore a white wife beater, showing off pale yet wiry muscular arms, and dark jeans that seemed to have something spattered across them. An odd thing that almost sent a shudder through Madeline’s body (though she didn’t know why at that moment) was the fact that he was not wearing any shoes. And his feet were bloody. Pale and bloody.

It all came together to show an image of distorted reality. He had a tuft of black hair in the center of his forehead; while the rest of his had been shaved so cleanly off there wasn’t even any stubble.

Perhaps it was lazered off, Madeline thought dazedly.

He gave her a lopsided grin and offered his hand, “Hello there, darling little one, how are you doing?” His voice sounded a bit higher than perhaps it was normally. Kind of like a young boy before puberty… Trying to turn into a girl.

Her hands were tied behind her back. Even if they weren’t she was quite sure she wouldn’t have shaken his hand anyway.

He giggled and incredibly high sound and said, “Oh, that’s right, you’re a bit… Tied up at the moment, hee hee!”

Madeline glared at him and tried to look imposing, “Let me go, now!” She stomped her foot for emphasis.

“Hee hee,” he giggled that high school-girl giggle again. “No, I don’t think so; don’t you know what I’ve got in store for you?” He spread out his arms and smiled brightly, as if she came for afternoon tea or something.

She just stared at him, clearly he was disturbed. She wasn’t sure if she really wanted to say anything and perhaps start him off onto a killing spree.

There wasn’t much use to her silence though, he kind of skipped or danced closer in some seizure-ish method and then bounced on his un-shoed toes in front of her.

He reached out his hand, Madeline flinched, and he touched her cheek.

“Get you filthy hands off of me!” She screamed at him. She threw her head around, trying to shake off his hold.

He just smiled coldly at her, and cupped his other hand against her other cheek, holding her head in place. “Darling, don’t scream, it hurts my ears.”

Tears sprung out of her eyes. The set of his mouth promised pain if she continued. But this is crazy! Her mind screamed, I shouldn’t be here! I should be home! Let me go, stop touching me, let me go let me go let me go “Let me go!” She shrieked.

It was when she started to wail and sob loudly, because his hands were still clutching her face, that one of his hands lifted. Then came down and slapped her.

That hurt. She thought as her breathe caught and she stopped making noise. The tears continued to pour, but now they were finally silent.

He sighed softly and brought her head close to kiss her forehead. “You should be a good girl; no one wants to hurt you.”

Her puffy, red, watery eyes looked up at him in fear. That had been the first time someone had raised their hand at her, let alone gone through with it.

Finally, the man’s hands lifted off of her cheeks. “Hm, I probably have to get Master now… You’ll stay here, right?”

She just looked at him.

“Good little darling,” he said.

With that he left her

Alone in the dark.

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