Chapter 4

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[Author’s Note:] So yup, still more chapters… The end of this one gets close to 6,600 words altogether. Anyway, this is for Camp NaNoWriMo. Unedited, has contradictions, blah blah same stuff as before. If you kept reading, I really do hope you find some joy in this mess :P

Chapter 4 Fortitude:

After getting rid of Madeline’s Lamia (throwing it in the dumpster sounded pretty good at that moment), Eloise considered her situation. The few other items in the purse were a credit card, which she obviously couldn’t use for tracking purposes. There was also a strawberry scented lip-gloss container and lastly there was a little heart shaped locket.

It was silver-y with an edge of soft ruby (for the pink, which Miss Madeline loved) and what was inside of it surprised Eloise. There was a picture of her parents in the left side, and then on the other side was a picture of Eloise.

It must’ve been taken when she had first come to the Benson’s house. She had her nervous face on, and her ears kept wiggling, unused to such muscles.

She carefully lifted out the photo and flicked it over. There was an inscription, written in a small curvy script, ‘my first and most wonderful Pup ever, Eloise <3 <3’

Eloise couldn’t help the small grin that overcame her face at that moment. This day had brought no smiles, except for now. That was sweet of Madeline.

Being a year and a few months older than Madeline, Eloise tended to seem much calmer and more the “voice of reason” to the younger, and more active, Lolita.

But Madeline still took to her quite well. At the tender age of sixteen, she was finally allowed to own a Pup, and out of all those shown that day at the Pound, she chose Eloise.

The energetic but loving girl brought down Eloise’s own feelings of bitterness, and within the last three years they had been together a special connection grew between them. Owner and pet. Mistress and pup. Yet friends.

It was hard to see. Society may be okay with Pups, but many did not think they should be treated as well as their owners. They were still second class citizens. Due to Madeline’s father’s status, not much could be done to show how deeply they felt for each other. But late night conversations and hidden messages and signals showed their care.

The locket just proved all the more how much Eloise needed to go find her Miss Madeline and bring her back home.

This reminded her… It was nearly sundown. She had no money and Madeline didn’t carry cash.

She sighed and flipped the credit card into a close by trashcan. If she was out after dark there was no telling what could happen to her… So what should I do?

Bleep! Bleep! Came from behind her, she immediately scurried to the side and looked over her shoulder to see what had made the noise.

A police car. Man getting out of the police car. He doesn’t look very happy.

Crap, Eloise thought sadly. She was probably going to be taken home now. It had been about half a day since Madeline had gone missing. Eloise was going to be blamed for sure.

She whimpered and rolled onto her back as the Policeman approached, her hands coming up to her chest to show respect towards the higher authority.

He took off his black hat and kneeled beside her, “It’s okay girl, you can get up.”

Eloise got up and sat back a few inches, her tail wagged slowly to show her appreciation. “Is something the matter, officer?” She asked.

“Ma’am you don’t have a leash on, and it’s about time for you to be home, due to those new curfew laws, don’t you think?” His voice was gruff and official; she could feel tears trying to well up in the corners of her eyes.

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