Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: all qualifying places are different to the original ones. The same goes for the places in the race.

Liv's P.O.V

"OMG Liv get up we're gonna be late for Qualifying!" Khloe screamed. "I'm up!" I screamed back. I rushed around my room grabbed an outfit that I put out and scrambled into the bathroom to take a quick shower. After my shower I put on some makeup, a little more than yesterday in case I met Max again. (Which was unlikely but hey worth a shot.) I then changed into my outfit my outfit for the day.

) I then changed into my outfit my outfit for the day

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Then I rushed out the door with my bestie by my side. We arrived just in time to see the start of Q1 "I'm so excited," cheered Khloe "I am too!" I shouted over the roar of the engines. The drivers knocked out in Q1 were Romain, The two Toro Rosso' and the two Sauber drivers. In Q2 Kevin, Lance, Nico, Fernando and Felipe were knocked out. Lewis got pole position just as everyone expected which meant the race between him and Sebastian would be close because Seb got P2. After qualifying Khloe and I went to a nice café for lunch. Then we went back to our hotel room and just cleaned up, around the place and played around on Snapchat and Instagram. 

Later we decided to watch Dirty Dancing because that's our favourite movie. Khloe fell asleep on the couch and I went to my bedroom to get ready for bed. I was about to lie down until I heard a knock on the door. (fuck off bitch I'm tired and I have a race to watch tomorrow)

Lewis' P.O.V

I said bye to my Press officer Kiara as she was going out with some guy today so I dropped her off at her hotel room and set off for mine. Then I realised 'crap I don't know which room number I'm in.' So I wandered round until I saw room 1916 which is my room so I scanned my key card but the door didn't open so I knocked on the door "maybe there's a cleaner just fixing things up," I said to myself. But instead of a lady in uniform I saw a girl in her early 20's or still a teen standing in the doorway. "Can I help you?" she asked politely "Oh hi, sorry to disturb you but I've forgotten my room number and I thought this room was mine, I'll leave now," I said kinda awkwardly. "No, you can come in and use our phone to call the desk and find your room number!" she exclaimed. "Are you sure?" I asked "of course and by the way I'm Olivia," she said "I'm Lewis," I replied. "I know who you are," she said kindly "now come in and call the desk before it closes." She rushed me over to the room with the phone I picked up the phone and rang the desk "hello I'm calling from a friends room," I looked at Liv when I said it "and I was wondering if you could tell me my room number again because I seem to have forgotten it," I said to the lady on the phone. "What's your name?" she asked in an agitated tone "Lewis Hamilton," I replied "oh Lewis," she cheered. "Your room number is 1616." "Ok thank you bye," I said and hung up the phone. "Oh my god, bitch if you don't like your job then quit, you don't need to be rude to your guests!" Liv exclaimed "eh, I've dealt with worse," I said. "Thanks for letting me use your phone," I said as I gave her a big hug "your a life saver, bye," I said while shuffling out of the door "bye!" she called. I then headed to my room (FUCK what was it again, oh yeah 1616) and went to bed as I have a big day tomorrow.

SHIT I NEED TO GET A BETTER SCHEDULE. I'm sorry for not updating in so long December is just such a busy month for me. 

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