Chapter 19

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Liv's P.O.V

So today is the start of the Bahrain weekend, I can't tell you about it though because I was sick the whole weekend. 

Max is now climbing into his car and Dan is changing so he can get into his. "Max you will do great," I encouraged him, Dan walked out and I spoke to him too. "I'm sure you will do amazing too, Dan," I told him. 

"There's a problem with the car," Max reported over the radio. My heart fell when I heard him say that, he had been so excited for this weekend because Australia hadn't gone too well for him. Dan finished in an ok position and in FP2 both of the boys finished. 

"I'm sure both you guys will be in Q3, you have a very capable car," I smiled. We watched from the garage as both boys put in some laps. Max is doing great at the moment and Dan is doing even better. I watched on for another short while and then I saw Max slide on the curb and hit the wall. I gasped in fear, before I heard Max's race engineer call that he was ok. "Liv we need you !" One of the pit men called. "For what?" I asked "can you chat up a few of the camera men for us, we don't want anyone looking at the car?" He asked. "Uh, yeah sure," she replied.

"Oh hi, Olivia aren't you Max's girlfriend?" The camera man asked "no," I simply replied.

 "Dans or Lewis'?" He questioned "nope," I still answered. "Can I hold the camera?" I asked "Yeah sure," he gladly agreed.

 "Could you film the car?" He asked "but I prefer filming the others cars drive by, please could I film that," I begged him "fine."

The boys covered the car up and we made our way back to the garage, Max was no where in sight so I left him his space and sat down to watch Dan and the other drivers. Daniel did a great job qualifying but I was very happy for my childhood friend Pierre, I met him on holidays in France one year and we kept contact.

 He walked past the RB garage and I just had to congratulate him "Pierre!" I called "do I hear a familiar voice!" He called back. I ran towards him and jumped into his arms "you did amazing, I am so proud of you," I laughed. He set me down, with his arms still around my waist "thank you Liv, it all means so much to me," he smiled. We stared at each other for a few moments before he said "right well I've got to go, interviews and everything," he rambled "uh, yeah I have to go find Max," I fake coughed.

"Max where were you!" I called to him when I walked into the motorhome "I had a lot of interviews," he answered. He seemed less happy then usual but I just put it down to him not finishing Q1. He pulled me into a corner and asked "did they get you to chat up a camera guy?" He asked "yeah but I was comfortable doing it," I replied "ok." I now know why he sounded quite annoyed, he was annoyed at me and the guys, also his car but mostly me and the guys.

We travelled back to the hotel in the usual escort car and those things kind of scare me. Max and I are on the same floor and across from each other with Daniel and some of the other RB guys around us. We got on the elevator and silently waited for it to get to our floor. Dan had things to do before coming up so Max and I went up alone. The elevator stopped and I walked out, while Max followed behind.

 We were both about to walk into our rooms when Max turned around and grabbed me by the waist and put me leaning against my door. I could feel his hot breath on my face and it sent shivers up and down my spine, I rubbed my hands over the muscles on his arms, feeling every ridge. His lips edged closer to mine until, Dan gasped and tripped over himself beside us. I blushed and walked over to help him up "are you ok Dan?" I asked slightly concerned. "Um, yes of course, you and Max can get back to whatever you were doing," He spluttered, and quickly ran into his room, then shutting the door. I kissed Max on the cheek and retreated to my room.

I woke up the next morning and took a shower, put on my clothes and makeup then went over to wake up Max. I knocked on the door and cooed "good morning, time to get up." "I'm coming, I'm coming, just a moment!" He called. "Beautiful morning hair," I complimented when he opened the door. "Let me take a shower and I'll be down, go get some breakfast," he urged. 

"Good morning everyone, Max will be down in a few minutes," I spoke cheerfully. Everyone was down except for Max and they were all enjoying a wonderful breakfast.

 When Max came down and ate his own food we ushered ourselves into the different cars and drove to the track.

"Race day today Max, how are you feeling about today and do you have a special someone out to support you this week?" I heard one of the many interviewers ask. Max explained how he was feeling and how the car was working, then dodged the special someone question.

The race has started both Max and Daniel had an ok start, Max is now trying to overtake Lewis and he's doing ok. The camera suddenly switches to Daniel pulling his car over and then again to Max limping back to the pits with a punctured tyre. Max made it to the pits and Daniel made it back here, his smile had disappeared from his usually happy looking face, now replaced with a much sadder looking frown.

 "Dan come here," I spoke softly, he obliged and came to sit beside me, I put my arm around his shoulder and pulled him in close. "Don't worry Ricciardo you'll get 'em next time," i comforted "maybe Verstappen will too," Daniel sulked. "What!" I exclaimed "right there, he's pulling over and is probably on his way back now," Dan pointed out. I looked at the tv and surely enough there's a pissed looking Max and some poor guy who had to drive him back.

Max arrived back and sat beside me also, then he decided that wasn't comfortable so he lay on my lap. "Guys I cant comfort you both at once!" I exclaimed, Dan finally smiled again and Max let out a short laugh. "I've got to go and do some interviews, Anna just called me," Dan informed "yep, bye Dan," I waved and began to talk to Max. "Did the car feel good before, you know Lewis happened?" I asked "yep it felt really good this week and we could have made up some places," he said. "Well sometimes things don't go just right, now get off my lap you need to change," I laughed "Come with me will you," he said. "Fine," I groaned, he grabbed me by the hand and led me to the back room. He did as I told him and changed, while I waited for him outside the door, then he pulled me into the room.

 He put me against the wall and wrapped his arm around my waist and used the other to support himself on the wall. "No interruptions this time," he spoke mischievously. He kissed, me soft and sweet but eager, like he had been waiting to do it for a long time. I tangled one hand in his hair and the other felt every muscle on his arm. The feeling was sensational and mutual, I pulled away for a breath and I could see his eyes were twinkling and his smile was wide. We continued on like that until someone knocked on the door and a masculine voiced called "Max your late for the interviews come on, what's taking so long!" Max gave me another quick kiss then went to answer the door. "Yes James," he said, James popped his head in the door and saw me "oh, hi Olivia," he waved. He gave Max a knowing wink and said to hurry up. "Sky are going to be annoyed at me," He chirped "I'm sure they can wait," he added. "Come on Max, answer Sky's questions and then you can come back," I laughed "one last kiss," he begged "not until you answer Sky," I teased.

A double update and an extra long chapter because I was very unfaithful and didn't write anything for so long, but my parents made up these strict rules on electronics. So it's made it harder to write for you guys but I'll get through it. I do love this chapter, it's my fav that I've written. I have not had my first kiss yet so what i described up there, if that is not how it goes keep in mind I adapted that from watching movies and reading. Pierre Gasly is too cute. 

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