Chapter 12

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Liv's P.O.V

"Liv do you want to talk about?" Max asked for the thousandth time this week "yes I'm fine, lets just go out tonight and have fun," I replied. Ok I'm not fine but when I'm drunk I won't think about it and I need to take a break from the real world so why not.

"Knock, knock open the door!" Daniel shouted from the front door "I'm coming hold your horses," I laughed, I opened the door "look I'm here," I sarcastically added. "Ok, ok are you ready?" Daniel asked "do I look ready," I remarked. "Alright go get ready then and I'll wait for you and Max in the sitting room," He stated. I changed into a baby pink one piece with a tie up front and wore a silver glittery skirt that I matched with beige heels and silver flower earrings.

 I changed into a baby pink one piece with a tie up front and wore a silver glittery skirt that I matched with beige heels and silver flower earrings

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Both Max and Daniel were sitting on the couch waiting when I walked in, "ready," I chimed. They both stared for a minute before nodding their heads and opening the front door.

We have arrived at this VIP bar and I can already see Lewis waiting for us so I jumped out of the car and ran as fast as I could in heels without faling over and jumped into his arms."Happy to see me," he laughed "I missed you," I told him "good," he replied. 

"Come on lets go in," Max ushered. "To the bar!" I shouted "onwards!" Daniel added "you ruined it Dan," I laughed "I thought that was good," he joked "Max said the same thing," I noted.

"Hey can i have a beer?" I asked "oh and three rounds of shots, please," I added. "Max, Dan, Lewis come over here we're going to do some shots!" I cried "we're coming," I heard Daniel reply. "Come on we have two hours before midnight," I laughed "we need to get a little more drunk," I added. "Max and Lewis and Dan I love you guys did you know that," I said in my drunk and confused mindset "someone's a lightweight," Lewis stated. "No I'm not drunk at all," I slurred "yeah right," Dan retorted "well if it helps Max is a lightweight too," Daniel hinted. "Oh hey Max, do you want to dance?" I asked "sure why not," he replied and the minute we got on the dance floor the music changed to a slow song. So Max wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"It's almost New Years," Max whispered into my ear "how close," I whispered back making sure my lips brushed gently against his ear and I could feel him shudder. "Um about 12 seconds," he laughed "10,9," everyone began to chant as Max and I joined in "8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," and everyone cheered. "Kiss me, quick," I said and he did. He leaned in and our lips met, he smelled of alcohol and cologne and his lips were so soft and gentle and then he pulled away. "Nice, that was amazing, did you know your a good kisser," I babbled turning almost completely sober. "Um will we go, I'll get Dan and you can get Lewis," Max offered "yeh let's go," I agreed.

"Lewis stop acting like a stripper and get down here!" I demanded in a mock stern tone "I prefer to call it exotic dancing my dear," Lewis retorted "whatever we're going now," I laughed. "Ok let's go then," Lewis said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the club to catch up with Max and Dan. (That is my best line so enjoy the show)

Hey not bad right and I finally updated. What do you think of the cover I think it looks better now. And the kiss I thought I'd make it happen later but they can have two first kisses one sober and one drunk.

Quote of the Chapter:

To die would be an awfully big adventure.

Accidental Love - Max Verstappen ✔️Where stories live. Discover now