Episode 3 Discrimination

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Place: West Middle School

"FUCK YOU, GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF!" Alex yelled with anger and desperation. Alex was being bullied again.
" Oh, what are you going to do about it Dog, Use your magical weapon."
Zane was teasing Alex. He didn't like Alex at all. He was more popular than him. It was because his team and he were the best werewolves that help everyone in the world. "We don't like your kind, even though you and your friends and the rare type of werewolves that don't act like yourselves." Zane has triggered Alex.
"What do you mean don't act like ourselves?" Alex's eyebrow rose.
"Your kind has done a lot of damage in the world. Destroying properties, hurting humans and killing lives." Zane made Alex extremally angry." Humans are superior to werewolves, it's just the matter if the time that we kill you all monsters and..." Alex punches him in the face. As Zane fell he was bleeding.
"Listen human and listen well, we are more superior than you! We have better technology, better immune systems,(and dare I say it,) better common sense. My brother CONTROLS THIS EARTH, he can call Homeland and recolonize this reached Planet. However, he won't, you know why because he is part of the rebellion. It's like humans like is the reason I sometimes want to do treason again!" Alex put his head down. "I....I...I will show you pain." Alex ends up beating up the bully. The Bully went to the nurse with a broken nose, busted eye and 5-bit marks. Alex was called to the Main Office.
"Well, well, well, things don't look good for you Mr. Angel. With your reputation, I knew this would happen." Principal Jones was very disappointed with Alex's actions.
"But sir, he was discriminating me, telling my kind wasn't need on this planet. You should of..." Alex was interrupted.
"He's right."
"What?!" Alex was angry. "You can't be serious, aren't you hearing yourself, what humans problems with us werewolves. My team has been nothing but nice to you all."
"Look, Mr. Angel, you Humans have inhabited this earth and us..."
"Lies! They're books in your Library about Werewolves history. And they are confirmed by scientists. You just think humans are just more powerful than us!" Alex had enough. He stood up walked to the door, "I'll tell my parents about this, and hopefully change school, and I marked the school, so have fun with the corrupted werewolves, hehe, Ahahaha!"
"Mr. Angel, wait, come back here, You must..." The door shut. Alex went home and told everything that happened school. Both of Alex's Parents were in a rage.
"Don't worry, I told him that he won't have a problem with me anymore. I'm moving schools. I was discriminated against every human, they hate our kind." Alex went to his room and sat there being depressed.
"Oh, poor Alex, what school do we move him?" Isidra was worried.
"We move him to North, that's where the rest of the team is, with them by his side he won't be teased on, Hopefully." Jose wants his son to be in a healthy environment so he won't get emotional.
"I'm done with everything, i loved and care for them, but now i get teased on for what i am and been rejected from some restaurants and stores. I hope things will change, but i know it won't." As Alex sat in the corner he put up his knees and pull them towards him, and Cried.

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