Episode 8: Who will the apprentice pick?

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"Alright Elvia, you still have to train more, however i can't teach you the moves i taught my brother, well because, you'll be the second stronger dog out of the team, so to put you in the same level with the rest, you will have to choose a master/teacher to help you get strong. Is understood?"

"Yes, my Irwam." Elvia replied. 

"Good, so the ones i picked for you are Fum and Kevin," they will teach you some skill and at the end of the day, will have to pick one, OK?"

"Yes, your excellently." 

As they waked to a secluded area, the meet up with Fum and Kevin. The stand and see both Irvin and Elvia coming. But they also see Alex come by.

"Hi you guys." Alex greeted. 

"What are you doing here, aren't you supposed to stop a corrupt werewolf?"Kevin asked.

"Yes, and I failed, but i did poof him before he can do any harm to the city." He show the Ears and Tail to the team." and i came along to see the training. It's my entertainment."

"Alrighty, let's start the training!" Irvin  claps his hand. The show has started. As Alex watches, he sees Elvia failing in each skill that Fun and Kevin where teaching her. She was having a hard time being quiet and peaceful during her attacks. She wasn't doing nothing right. She couldn't take it anymore. She was crying how she wan't good enough.

"That's enough. It's time to pick a master." as Irvin looks at Elvia, she looks at the boys. Kevin, or Fum.

"I pick..."

"She will go with me." Alex yelled," she is no near your level guys. when i taught her she was reckless on her skills, she can't be with anyone that won't let her be herself. So i will be taking her."

"But Alex, She can't lean from you, your too powerful. your going to teach her what i taught you!"

"And, is that a problem, I don't care someone becomes more powerful than me, i just want them to learn to defend themselves, when I'm not around. So Elvia will be under my guard. Deal with it." Alex walks away,"come on Elvia, i will teach you everything." Elvia walks away with Alex until they fade from the guy's view. 

"I can't believe that just happen." Kevin is confused.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

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